• Sunderland dog alerts
    Personal fancy posted
  • One a day
    Well done
  • Patrick Veitch says..
    Obviously a con beware all. In case you get any similar emails.
  • Sunderland dog alerts
    Are we ready again? One posted up for Wednesday
  • 2.20 Duration
    I agree with Peregrine looks a terrible race, but good luck with it.
  • Patrick Veitch says..
    Now before everyone gets excited I got this via an email. I remember Veitch warning people of false tipping services under his name and he did state he did not operate any tipping services when I saw the article in the racing post.

    Maybe he is branching out into backing in class 6 races at Nottingham lol.
  • 8.15
    To be fair I've had far worse espeically after a few beers lol
  • 8.15
    Lol, beam me up Scotty !!
  • 915 10/1
    Jumeriah street win/place bet
  • 8.15
    Don't think so lol. Kneejerker likes fantasies I think but I don't think he has one of the alien variety lol
  • 8.15
    What a Dr who fan here now lol
  • 210 huntingdon tues
    Spot on Joe. Well done.
  • 6.45 Kempton
    Agree Mugz the man is on :fire:
  • Sunderland dog alerts
    One posted up shortly Tuesday.
    Missed this but nice one Joe :up:
  • 815
    I like FAST ENDEAVOUR each way
  • Drumbeg, Rome 65 and Fuzzyduck
    As I messed up and declared the wrong winner I will also award Drumbeg a free bet of £10 I can't be no more fairer than that.
  • Drumbeg, Rome 65 and Fuzzyduck
    I've somehow got mixed up and wrote the wrong selections down for the last race Fuzzyduck is the winner and he will receive the free £10 bet on Saturday.
  • Channons got a horse
    Won impressively. Be interesting to see how the others run on next outing as it will provide a form guide.
  • Trainerhood Watch
    Dont pay anything you can make them videos yer self just gotta be a good rider and be able to handle the whip correctly.

The racing voice

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