• Tuesday Brighton 8.20
    From the look of the betting, this looks a fairly open affair. Tony Carroll has 4 runners, 2 look in with chances but who knows.
  • Board Influencers
    Is this person actually Theresa May.
  • Hot Monday Info
    Anyone think this guy is SHOWBOATING ?????
  • Doncaster tomorrow
    Looks like Walter Mitty will be in the running !!!!
  • Saturday 15th June
    :clap: :up:
  • Friday Night Info
    I suppose not, your winnings must be enough to guarantee that you live a celebrity lifestyle. Something tells me that Love Island awaits you.
  • Friday Night Info
    Think you should start a pay tipping service Insider, look at all the revenue you could be making. Seems you have more contacts than a Duracell battery.
  • 9:00 -
    Yes, Richter Scale.
  • 9:00 -
    Have you ever thought of seeking medical help for your condition?
  • 630 - Big Bet
    Similar to herpes then !!!!!!!
  • 7.30 hamilton
    Up your own ar$e do you mean?
  • 200 - Big Info Bet
    Mortgage broker said leave it alone or you could be living in a tent !!!!!!
  • 200 - Big Info Bet
    Should I ask the mortgage broker for his advice?
  • 535 - Hot Info Just In
    He sounds like a D-Day veteran.
  • 850 - Kinhsclere Money
    Don't forget though, he had an 8/1 winner yesterday, That should keep the bank account in the black until March.
  • 840 race ew
    And Victory Wave.
  • 840 race ew
    On name alone, Normandy Blue would be a popular selection for todays event !!!!!!
  • 840 race ew
    Think I will just watch this for the entertainment value !!!!!!
  • 840 race ew
    If insidethestables has had a word, needs to be avoided like the plague.
  • 535 - Plot
    30/1 betfair


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