• UK TTC @ DONCASTER (Thursday 12th)
    Thursday's results

    Ribot 160 10/1 winner
    horses4courses 180* 5/1 & 13/2 winners
    calvert 140* 5/1 Nap
    MrForce 50
    bazza62 60 15/2 winner
    malcolm 160*
    brian1147 190* 5/1 winner

    * Nap won

    1st brian1147 190 40pts
    2nd horses4courses 180 20pts
    3rd malcolm 160 10pts

    Well done brian1147 :cool:
  • UK TTC @ BRIGHTON (Monday 09th September)
    Monday's results

    Ribot 170
    bazza62 60
    horses4courses 80
    calvert 120*
    Stig 30
    MrForce 130 15/2 winner
    brian1147 60
    malcolm 70

    * Nap won

    1st Ribot 170 40pts
    2nd MrForce 130 20pts
    3rd calvert 120 10pts

    Well done Ribot :cool:
  • UK TTC @ HAYDOCK (Friday 6th)
    Looks like Ascot will be hit with the rain so trying to play safe with Haydock.
  • UK TTC @ WINDSOR (Monday 02nd Sept)
    Monday's results

    bazza62 230*
    Ribot 110
    Big tasty 40
    calvert 100
    Stig 230*
    brian1147 190
    malcolm 190*
    horses4courses 190*
    MrForce 130*

    * Nap won

    1st Stig 230 40pts
    2nd bazza62 230 20pts
    3rd malcolm 190 10pts

    Well done Stig :cool:
  • UK TTC @ RIPON (Monday 26th August)
    Monday's results

    bazza62 70
    Ribot 120
    horses4courses 50
    Big tasty 20
    Stig 100
    calvert 10
    malcolm 190* 11/2 winner
    brian1147 220
    MrForce 10

    * Nap won

    1st brian1147 220 40pts
    2nd malcolm 190 20pts
    3rd Ribot 120 10pts

    Well done brian1147 :cool:
  • UK TTC @ YORK (Thursday 22nd)
    Thursday's results

    Ribot 110 6/1 winner
    bazza62 110 17/2 winner
    Big tasty 20
    MrForce 50
    horses4courses 140*
    Stig 50 17/2 winner
    brian1147 70
    malcolm 150 17/2 winner

    * Nap won

    1st malcolm 150 40pts
    2nd horses4courses 140 20pts
    3rd bazza62 110 10pts

    Well done malcolm :cool:
  • Does anyone know why?
    I'm pretty sure it's related to a dispute between some bookmakers and Arc the owners of certain tracks.
  • UK TTC @ WINDSOR (Monday 19th August)
    Monday's results

    bazza62 20
    Ribot 80
    Big tasty 10
    horses4courses 30
    calvert 50
    MrForce 90 8/1 winner
    Stig 10
    malcolm 80*

    * Nap won

    1st MrForce 90 40pts
    2nd malcolm 80 20pts
    3rd Ribot 80 10pts

    Well done MrForce :cool:
  • UK TTC @ SALISBURY (Thursday 15th)
    Thursday's results

    bazza62 210* 11/2 winner
    Ribot 30
    horses4courses 100
    MrForce 60
    calvert 140 11/2 winner
    Stig 180*
    brian1147 110*
    malcolm 160 11/2 winner
    Big tasty 90

    * Nap won

    1st bazza62 210 40pts
    2nd Stig 180 20pts
    3rd malcolm 160 10pts

    Well done bazza62 :cool:
  • UK TTC @ WINDSOR (Monday 12th August)
    Monday's results

    bazza62 220*
    Ribot 190*
    Big tasty 160
    calvert 180*
    Stig 190*
    horses4courses 170*
    brian1147 90
    malcolm 130*

    * Nap won

    1st bazza62 220 40pts
    2nd Ribot 190 20pts
    3rd Stig 190 10pts

    Well done bazza62 :cool:
  • UK TTC @ CHEPSTOW (Thursday 08th August)
    Thursday's results

    bazza62 80
    horses4courses 120*
    Big tasty 90
    Ribot 140
    Stig 140
    calvert 130
    malcolm 180*
    MrForce 80
    brian1147 60

    * Nap won

    1st malcolm 180 40pts
    2nd Stig 140 20pts
    3rd Ribot 140 10pts

    Well done malcolm :cool:
  • UK TTC @ RIPON (Monday 05th August)
    Monday's results

    bazza62 100
    Ribot 140* 11/2 winner
    Big tasty 40
    horses4courses 60
    MrForce 90 11/2 winner
    calvert 60
    brian1147 150*
    Stig 160* 13/2 winner
    malcolm 140 11/2 winner

    * Nap won

    1st Stig 160 40pts
    2nd Ribot 140 20pts
    3rd malcolm 140 10pts

    Well done Stig :cool:
  • UK TTC @ GOODWOOD (Thursday 01st August)
    Thursday's results

    bazza62 150
    Big tasty 90
    Ribot 120
    horses4courses 160
    calvert 100
    MrForce 80*
    malcolm 170*
    Stig 40
    brian1147 190* 11/2 winner

    * Nap won

    1st brian1147 190 40pts
    2nd malcolm 170 20pts
    3rd horses4courses 160

    Well done brian1147 :cool:
  • UK TTC @ WINDSOR (Monday 29th July)
    Monday's results

    bazza62 70
    Ribot 120
    Big tasty 40
    calvert 120
    Stig 100*
    MrForce 80
    malcolm 160*
    horses4courses 230*

    * Nap won

    1st horses4courses 230 40pts
    2nd malcolm 160 20pts
    3rd calvert 120 10pts

    Well done horses4courses :cool:
  • UK TTC @ WINDSOR (Monday 29th July)
    Will probably score this in the morning.
  • UK TTC @ SANDOWN (Thursday 25th)
    Thursday's results

    bazza62 90
    Ribot 30
    horses4courses 100
    calvert 30
    malcolm 90 13/2 winner
    Stig 120
    MrForce 20
    brian1147 90

    * Nap won

    1st Stig 120 40pts
    2nd horses4courses 100 20pts
    3rd malcolm 90 10pts

    Well done Stig :cool:
  • 410 Cat - Info
  • UK TTC @ WINDSOR (Monday 22nd July)
    Monday's results

    bazza62 160*
    Big tasty 90
    Ribot 200* 6/1 winner
    calvert 200* 6/1 nap
    Stig 90
    MrForce 140 6/1 winner
    horses4courses 140*
    brian1147 50
    malcolm 100

    * Nap won

    1st calvert 200 40pts
    2nd Ribot 200 20pts
    3rd bazza62 160 10pts

    Well done calvert :cool:
  • UK TTC @ WINDSOR (Monday 22nd July)
    Will score this in the morning.