• 3.50 Notts
    Sorry guys. Just faded after about 8 furlongs
  • 2:15 Perth
    No comment after my selections yesterday - GL
  • NTD 4 runbets Peryh
    Bad day at the office - curse of b of the b ☹
  • 830 race
    Wd Joe. Should have put Hollie in for the csf - put fav in. Nice price placer though. Wd
  • 8.0 race
    Broke well but that was about it 7th i think having faded in finsl stages ☹
  • Paddy power good free comp
    Shall check ito out VF
  • 8.0 race
    Poor old Richard Guest hasn't had a winner since Shergar wss abducted. Hoping his fortunes will turn - looked at this one earlier. My fingers are crossed. He did have a placer the other day. On another matter, i walked into a Corals shop the other day. Would you belueve they don't even provide a Rscing post. Needless to say I walked straight out again. Unbtlievable!
  • 7:30 Wolverhampton
    Cheers akd
    Life saver after a dreadful day !
  • Monday multi
    Done a mad Easterby multy with one at Leicester
    Rose Hip Tom Marquand 3.15 . Done doubles to break even, small ew trebles and 4 foldd plus of course a decent ew acca
  • 2.20 Plumpton
    Er no. Bad day at the office☹
  • 2.20 Plumpton
    Unseated rider as about to challenge. Dohhhhh! Curse of boftheb. Nevermind - Brightob 2 up. ❤
  • 2.20 Plumpton
    Done a cheeky trixie with 2 others of Sheenas other runners.

    6. Cherry Cola
    20th Sep PLUMPTON 14:20 MAIDEN HURDLE 2m 1f 164y - Win
    14:20 Today
    Best odds

    8. Limelighter
    20th Sep PLUMPTON 14:50 HANDICAP HURDLE 1m 7f 195y - Win
    14:50 Today
    Best odds

    9. Sixties Secret
    20th Sep PLUMPTON 15:20 HANDICAP HURDLE 2m 4f 114y - Win
    15:20 Today
    Best odds
  • 5:40 Kelso
    Fingers crossed
  • Pat Smullen RIP
    Ouch - thought he was doing well. Very very sad and so young. RIP
  • Anyone found
    Must be true - it was in the Sun
  • Anyone found

    A CITY in Brazil which did not lockdown may have reached herd immunity, experts have said.

    Manaus, in the Amazon, has seen a dramatic fall in coronavirus cases and deaths since hitting 3,300 fatalities.

    The city of two million people was once one of the world's hardest-hit, with drone images taken in April showing mass graves and burials occurring at five times their normal rate.

    But last week, Manaus saw its “excess deaths” drop to almost zero - as tests suggested that around 20 per cent of the city’s population had been infected with the bug.

    Jarbas Barbosa da Silva, assistant director of the Pan American Health Organisation, told The Washington Post: “The hypothesis — and this is just a hypothesis — is that the peak we had in Manaus was very strong, and there was such widespread community transmission that it may have produced some kind of collective immunity”.

    Mr Barbosa said that the fall in cases suggested a “natural dynamic”, rather than the effect of lockdown or other preventative measures.

    However, it is not confirmed whether the fall in cases and deaths could also be due to underreporting in the area.

    Herd immunity refers to a population’s resistance to the spread of a contagious disease built up through immunity from infection or vaccination.

    Sweden controversially opted against a lockdown in favour of a herd immunity policy set out by state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

    But the policy proved controversial, leading to the world's sixth highest per capita death rate - with care homes hit particularly badly.

    New research, reported by The Times, showed that levels of combined T-cell and antibody immunity could be more than 30 per cent.

    Dr Tegnell insists that this level of immunity "makes it easier to control the outbreaks than when there is no immunity at all among the population".

  • Anyone found
    You're right aboit the enviroment - many more diesel emmissions with micr particles can't be good for kids to breathe in. Still think there might be a link between over sanitised enviroments and kids losing immunity. Regarding Covid, still think they should let nature should take its course. -perhaps even encourage the young to go party , get a dose and gain immunity..
  • Anyone found
    You may well be right KJ - It's all leading to digital payments and control by evil banks - every expenditure you make being recorded including a H E at your local massage parlour!
  • Anyone found
    Mr Force, in order to achieve decent immunity, we need to be exposed to bacteria and viruses. Why do you think that kids today have so many allergies? It's because homes are too bacteria free thanks to overuse of dettol. We need to pick up a few bugs for our long term well being. I'm not suggesting doing Les Patterson at the bar and i'm in favour of sensible behaviour but a big NO to those screens

Stevie Wonder

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