• Middle Of The Road Sys
    Coral BOG
    15:36 Sout Fuwairt EW 14\1 LM
    16:31 Plum Clongowes 7\1
  • One a Day - Keeps the Bookies at Bay.
    Nice1 JT :strong: GL 2mor
  • Middle Of The Road Sys
    no cash out .happy to make a +
    B LM did well 1 from 4 @12\1

    2.13 Carl Challow ew 25\1 x
    3.15 Hayd Canyon City ew 33\1 4th No rt
    3.23 Carl Western Miller 15\2 x
    3.35 Muss King's Advice 9\1 x
    5.40 Carl Ballyfarsoon ew 18\1 2nd -30 rt £2.64p
    6.00 Newt Calin Du Brizais 7\2 3rd
    6.30 Wolv Tathmeen 9\1 1st 12\1 rt £39
    8.00 Wolv Never Said Nothing 11\4 x
  • Middle Of The Road Sys
    Cheers Mr C I might be lucky to get 1

    Using iiffy BLUE LM ratings with mine
    just a test to see if I can reduce selections

    3.35 Muss King's Advice 9\1 BLM
    6.00 Newt Calin Du Brizais 7\2 BLM
    6.30 Wolv Tathmeen 9\1 BLM
    8.00 Wolv Never Said Nothing 11\4 BLM
  • Middle Of The Road Sys
    Est. Returns: 5p ew 7folds

    Est. Returns: 5p ew accy

    Shame they have a limit :angry:
  • Middle Of The Road Sys
    If i get that far,Il need a spare pair too :cool: be canny if the internet went off :gasp:

    Prices above Corals BOG :up:
  • Middle Of The Road Sys
    0ppps Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep ew 7 folds n ew accy :rofl:
    if all is going to plan I will cash out after 5.40 0r 6.00 :blush:
  • Middle Of The Road Sys
    Need to see some RT so Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep £3 wins or £1.50p ew's

    2.13 Carl Challow ew 25\1
    3.15 Hayd Canyon City ew 33\1
    3.23 Carl Western Miller 15\2
    3.35 Muss King's Advice 9\1
    5.40 Carl Ballyfarsoon ew 18\1
    6.00 Newt Calin Du Brizais 7\2
    6.30 Wolv Tathmeen 9\1
    8.00 Wolv Never Said Nothing 11\4

  • Middle Of The Road Sys
    No RT
    13:50 Chem Spirit Warning 16\1 X
    15:35 Chem Shelir 4\1 X Papa Stour 6\1 X
    16:07 Chem Duckett's Grove 6\1 Zabeel Champion 5\4 2ND
    16:30 New Medicine Jack 6\1 1st 17\2
    17:30 New Saluti 12\1 x
  • Middle Of The Road Sys
    3.00 Ffos Rosmuc Relay 10\3 x
    4.50 Chem Channel Packet 4\1 3rd
    5.20 Chem Glenn Coco 4\1 2nd

    5.42 Ffos Oak Vintage 8\1 x
    6.20 Chem Street Poet 20\1 x
    7.20 Chem Celtic Classic 10\1 x

    Lucky 15
    3.20 Weth Diodorus 11\1 x
    4.50 Chem Twpsyn 16\1 x
    5.10 Ffos Coillte Eile 10\1 x
    5.42 Ffos Cherokee Bill 8\1 x

    Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep Win perms


    Corals BOG

    13:50 Chem Spirit Warning 16\1
    15:35 Chem Shelir 4\1 Papa Stour 6\1
    16:07 Chem Duckett's Grove 6\1 Zabeel Champion 5\4
    16:30 New Medicine Jack 6\1
    17:30 New Saluti 12\1

  • Middle Of The Road Sys
    go on il have another go :yikes:

    10 Selection 8 races
    3.00 Ffos Rosmuc Relay 10\3
    4.50 Chem Channel Packet 4\1
    5.20 Chem Glenn Coco 4\1

    5.42 Ffos Oak Vintage 8\1
    6.20 Chem Street Poet 20\1
    7.20 Chem Celtic Classic 10\1

    Lucky 15
    3.20 Weth Diodorus 11\1
    4.50 Chem Twpsyn 16\1
    5.10 Ffos Coillte Eile 10\1
    5.42 Ffos Cherokee Bill 8\1

    Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep ew accy
  • Middle Of The Road Sys
    A almost day

    13:00 Ludl Master Work 2\1 x
    13:00 Ludl Gortroe Joe 10\3 2nd 7\2
    13:15 Sout Larch Hill 8\1 2nd 14\1
    13:15 Sout Downbythestrand 7\1 x
    14:00 Ludl Coolanly 11\2 2nd
    14:10 Hexh Frightened Rabbit 15\2 2nd
    14:30 Ludl Wynn House 9\4 2nd 85\40
    16:20 Sout Katachenko 12\1 NR
    16:45 Hexh Real Armani 11\4 1st
  • Middle Of The Road Sys
    Cheers Chaps

    Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep perms total £15

    Prises PP
    13:00 Ludl Master Work 2\1
    13:00 Ludl Gortroe Joe 10\3
    13:15 Sout Larch Hill 8\1
    13:15 Sout Downbythestrand 7\1
    14:00 Ludl Coolanly 11\2
    14:10 Hexh Frightened Rabbit 15\2
    14:30 Ludl Wynn House 9\4
    16:20 Sout Katachenko 12\1
    16:45 Hexh Real Armani 11\4

  • Middle Of The Road Sys
    Happy with that shame I never got 18\1 G O G

    15:00 Warw Everything For You @13\8 3rd 7\2
    15:25 Fake Billy's Angel @20\1 x
    15:25 Fake Glimpse Of Gold @11\1 1st 18\1
    16:52 Newc Tekiblue de L'Orme @7\1 x
    18:10 Wolv Mutabaahy @11\4 1st
    18:40 Wolv Songkran @7\2 x
  • Dawn Run documentary
    Cheers for the link Mugz :up:

    Dawn Run :heart:

  • Off subject but take the time to read this article.
    More good news, no doubt retirement age will be abolished.
    New tax for all those aged over 40 to fund social care. Some 4kers going to get rich if true
  • Bookies are aving it off aren't they.
    You any good @ hand signs SD :gasp: Cum 2nd. a + for ew backers wd SD :up:
  • Bookies are aving it off aren't they.
    Hey Spindrifter what make are the binoculars ? do they cum with a listening device :gasp:
  • I just cant lose anymore
    both NR
    no bet today
    £9.15p free dosh left


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