• 100 winners before July
    Now that's what u call a big Boom. backed into 8-1 from 16s Bet365
  • 100 winners before July
    When I post, it says an hour ago, even thou its only one Minute.
    1.45 Three Musketeers.
  • 100 winners before July
    ai 1-45 Tree Muskateers 16-1 ew 5 places.
    ai. 2-20 Aramon 5-1
    ai 3-25 Min 3-1
    ai 4-05 Cadmium 16-1 ew first 5
    ai 4-40 Dallas Des Pictons 5-1
  • 100 winners before July
    at last a Winner,3-1
  • 100 winners before July
    ai. 1-45 La Bague Au Roi 6-4
    ai 2-20 Band of Outlaws 7-4
    ai.2- Kemboy 3-1
    ai 4-05 Krushlinin 7-1.ew
    Bet 1
    win 2-10 Mon Eldorado 5-1
  • 100 winners before July
    Slow start possible cost us Tuesday.+ a NR
    /leo 5-00 Amedeo Modigliani5-2
    win 2-10 Mon Eldorado 5-1
    win 3-15 saintemilion 11-10
    win 4-45 Tomorrow Mystery 6-4
  • 100 winners before July
    I've just about given up with R Johnson, so a new plan wanted for UK sel. I'm on 85 winners, so the 100 will come this month.

    3:45- MUSS- LOVE DREAMS 5/2

    2:00- LING- SWISS PRIDE 11/4
  • 100 winners before July
    only one winner and a Nr in Ireland it would have been two if Tycoon Prince the last jumps of. but it didn't so no 5-1 winner.
    lud 2-15 Smackwater Jack 13-8
    lu 3-20 Snapdragon Fire 2-1
  • 100 winners before July
    oh no missed posting Sat. 2 winners from three at Navan, they were posted elsewhere.
    lim 4-40 Tycoon Prince 4-1
    lim 2-20 Maze Runner 8-4
    lim 2-55 Black Tears 1-1
    lim 4-05 Burrows Saint 6-4
    as 2-45 Scaramanger 10-3
    as 3-20 Favorito Buck.s 13-8
    as 3-55 Copland 3-1
  • 100 winners before July
    fon 3-45 New Millennium 5-2
    we.2.50 Paddling 5-1
    the Irish have a few runners at Wetherby Ive picked two out.
    we. 3-25 Viking Hoard 8-1.ew I would like to see money for this one.
    we. 4-30 Thosedaysaregone 6-4
    bet 14.

    wa. 3-35 Coup De Pinceau
    xxx 3-1,11-8,x.x.11-4.Nr. 5-2.x.x.x
    p/l +1.5
    bet 13

    mr. 4-20 Back on The Leash
    xxx 3-1,11-8,x.x.11-4.Nr. 5-2.x.x
  • 100 winners before July
    Tues, one winner in the Uk + two bad runs. The 2nd Irish tracking leaders when carried out by a loose horse, Yorkhill 2nd needs to improve his jumping.

    .mr 3-45 Earlshill 5-1
    mr. 4-20 Back on The Leash 7-4 up in trip a mile, hope they know what there doing.
    bet 12;
    2-50 Megalmaniac
    xxx 3-1,11-8,x.x.11-4.Nr. 5-2.x
  • 100 winners before July
    Mon. Mines a Pint a mistake when still going forward; Mirada Pu
    clo.2-50 Megalmaniac 2-1 R Blackmore rides
    clo. 3-50 Commandant 5-1
    clo. 4-20 Yorkhill 15-8. a high class horse returns to fences, hope its jumping goes well.

    her 2-30 Tiffin Top 15-8
    her. 4-00 Same Circus 10-3,well in on its weight but a close race this
    her 4-30 Talktomenow 2-1.R Johnson ride
    bet 11.
    wi. 3-45 Lizzie Langton
    xxx 3-1,11-8,x.x.11-4.Nr. 5-2
  • 100 winners before July
    three winners Sun. 4-1.4-1.5-2. Both of R Johnsons fell one at the first, the other just getting into contention. I more than please with the O'Brien one, most of my Irish flat will be coming from there.
    wi 3-15 Mines a Pint 7-2
    wi. 3-45 Lizzie Langton13-8
    win 4-15 Miranda 11-8
  • 100 winners before July
    Sat Irish, 1 won, 1 Nr. 1 a very bad jump.
    Uk. Johnson saves the day.
    na 4-45 Amedeo Modigliani 6-4,flat racing in Ireland,
    do 2-45 Count Simon 6-4
    dw 3-20 From Eden 6-4
    do 4-25 Slimish 4-1
    EX 2-40Halloween Harry 6-1.Johnson
    ex 3-45 Saintemillion 3-1,P Nic.
    ex 4-20 For Good Measure 11-4.Johnson
    bet 10
    na 4-45 Amedeo Modigliani
    xxx 3-1,11-8,x.x.11-4.Nr.