• Charlie Mann
    Thanks Stevie, todays was a leap of faith but ive always done well when he he says he has a few. The good thing with him is you only need one to win to make it pay ie 16/1 today. But if you ever come down for the Stable Tours day on Good friday...put Charlie at the top of your list. Youll forget all about Henderson and co once he starts telling his stories...thats why i like Bannister on a chaser...fearless like Charlie!
  • Update
    I think youll find he has gone. Ill take this opportunity to spologise to everyone for getting embroiled in a stupid and long exchange, but the guy doesn’t know how to behave so had to make a stand. Mugz listened and did the right thing.

    So , apologies again. I for one will now concentrate on the racing
  • Update
    Millhouse, a good piece and its a good trait to have. Thank you but i only try and add to discussions and a few selections, not tips. I love the game thats why this bloke must go
  • Update
    ha ha
  • Newbury
    this guy is magical
  • Update
    god, hes quick...and...
  • Update
    Millhouse, you will see his deluded reply, typed seconds after your post. No doubt there will be another after this post! wow!
  • Update
    well said millhouse, but one important point missed. he obsessively trolls other peoples post and uses phrases like"obviously uneducated" "mug punter" "clueless"...he also then tries to groom newbies and seduct them with his "im an owner" "inside info"....remember the "£125k bet that lost"...loads of followers...when it lost "ill just sell a stamp". He has mental health issues but also a nastier side to make others lives miserable. Thats why i bother to reply. If he stuck to his own threads, no worries, but he doesnt. he cant help himself and while i applaud your generous and sensitive nature (let him stay) you will do him a dis-service as the platform he so craves is still there. If he were doing this trolling, grooming and lieing in public, he would be sectioned. my final piece on the matter, ive got a life to get on with
  • Newbury
    well that was a damn fine ride from the front by Rex Dingle. this lad is going places and won fair and square. First 3 may be decent
  • Update
    Exactly Dazzler.. this Board is supposed to be a bit of fun where like minded people can share views, discussions and hopefully a few winners here and there. unfortunately people suffering MH issues can prove divisive and turn rational people against each other and become angry.with each other. remove the platform for the airing of delusional views is one step. it is not "shouting down" someone because you dont agree with them (we have all had spats with people but tend to work it out), but this board and his anti feeling have become compulsion with this guy and its obviously ruling his life to the point he is believing everything he says and has developed "the world (board) is against me so i must fight back" kind of syndrome.

    I have asked Mugz to consider removing him for his own health and sanity 9and of course, ours!)
  • Newbury
    Cheers CMB. Backed from 20s to 8/1s...thought it had a great chance 2 out but happy with 3rd at 20/1
  • Update
    see "delusional"
  • Newbury
  • Update
    no rage, im worried about your mental state and the damage you do to others mental health. You need to walk away and re-assess your life as you have gone to far. your fantasies have become reality and you are in danger of overstepping marks in your life from which it will be very difficult to return. Joking apart, see "delusional" and you may recognise yourself.

    i have p'm Mugz as i am genuinely worried for you and by removing the platform that drives your fantasies, you may find peace, i hope so.
  • Update
    no rage...just pity. see "delusional"
  • Update
    Errr TRV ? one won, one was a close 2nd and one was close 3rd. I posted day before and it was backed 11/4 into 7/4 overnight and then drifted on the course as they had no liabilities. If you had an ounce of sense you'd understand this pattern. Never claim "inside info" as opposed you (delusional and actually thinks he owns a horse!). You had a coin toss between two very short horses and got it wrong. I (unfortunately) know the owner of Moores horse and cant stand the man but knew they fancied all 3 which were all backed THE NIGHT BEFORE! ie what owners do rather than chumps trying to bet on course where they have no chance as Betfair have done all the work for the bookies. All they need to do is skim the %s. But of course as an "owner", youd know this. But then again.....

    so somehow youve drawn me into a post i had nothing to do with. I have contacted Mugz to have you, sam, willie the winker et al removed as you all ( ie you) need help. You said youve left several times but your delusional state keeps telling you that you are wanted and needed and you return.... sadly youre not wanted, or needed....by anyone, including your family who have probably had enough too. i pity you, you are pathetic, but honestly, seek help as mental health issues are not funny. i am annoyed at myself for getting annoyed as all my years working in mental health should mean i know better. But a classical delusionist who craves attention is a very difficult person to deal with and can end up being hated and sometimes a victim of violence when people's tolerance is stretched to breaking point. So i pity you and feel sorry for you.Get help.

    And Mugz you are now a party to this as several members have asked for this guy to be removed, yet you have ignored and continue to allow his delusional posts and lies. please act now.
  • Update
    see "delusional"
  • 5.15 Kemp - What a dire race !!!! Any views
    My main view is "why would you back ANYTHING in this dire race?". But having broke all my rules and backing a Gary Moore horse i thought id try and get my head round a class 6 (whatever that is...i thought it may be for poodles!). I saw one of Eves in there and at least It won lto. I rang my very good friend who has had loads of horses with Eve over the years and asked "is it any good?"...he said "whats its name" i said "New Rich"...."Useless" was the reply! I quizzed further...he just kept saying it was useless. So based on the fact its a poodle race and its useless ive had a bet at 9/2. He said the lass riding is good and worth her claim so in ive gone !
  • 240 Lingfield tomorrow
    there was one lurking! Thats racing i suppose but i should have known better with that stable and owner!