• Cheltenham crowd
    Whoops wrong discussion! Its the cold!
  • Cheltenham crowd
    Cheers Archie, thst was impressive and its been ages since Nickys mob were so confident. Won on the bridle and was pulling itself ip on the run in! Henderson 1-2 in the Chsmpion AGAIN?

    Disappointed about kings nr especially as the rain came just before the race AFTER he pulled it out!

    Thankfully brain oower got my cash back for today and yesrerday!

    Word around for top weight in last so ive had a bet ew
  • Cheltenham crowd
    Packed indide the stands.....two penguins stood next to us!
  • A few big price ones for Friday
    well Im in a bar at Cheltenham freezing! what a terrible day with only Dans Le Vents getting an enhanced place 4th with bet365. i feekl the rest of my runners were running with paddy powers pants on! no big bets so not too much damage and on to tomorrow. lucky im in a hotel tonight so we are off to the pub pronto!
  • 615 long one
    Joe you did that just to raise a point about the AW!!! lol!! Brilliant find, well done, top tipping mate
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    "As I’ve said before believe what you want to believe it dont bother me. I know the truth."

    Well if this is true SS, why do you still come on here with these outrageous claims? if youre not bothered, dont post, dont argue

    Jim, i agree and i admit im being almost as childish as he is ! But i just got fed of his stupid rhetoric and they were dominating the board. thought id shout him down but hes thicker err skinned than i thought!

    Agree with you tho mate and tempting as it is, Ill stop! Thought Mugz would have stepped in ages ago.
  • Inside info
    See "delusional"...throw in WBY!
  • Inside info
    HP and Heinz eh supppppppppppppppppppper Sammmmmmmmy!
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    See "delusional"...hes in Tescos in Sunderland buying value meals
  • Inside info
    And IF SS is a total fraud becomes then surely IF becomes IS/...ISnt that right SS/TRV/Roonaldo/ Dick Whittington/Walter Mitty/Stan Laurel et al (that means and all SS)
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    "Nothing to be ashamed of hippo plenty of people in bookies are the same just backing favs all the time thinking they can win"...a bit like £175K on Wholestone (fav) when it has an appalling track record at Newbury?

    i fully understand the fundamentals of betting to win. do Do you understand the fundamentals of being delusional?
  • Inside info
    see "delusional"
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    ...and an idiot in a corner reverts back to insults and smokescreens. Oh well chaps, i tried to give him a chance. See "delusional"
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    Errr I never mentioned money or your total account just the bets youve posted on here in the last month. Not interested in your bank balance. plain and simple...JUST THE BETS YOU HAVE ADVISED ON HERE.....SIMPLE EH? IE JUST THE BETS YOU HAVE POSTED ON HERE... you know the multiple selections that an Irish lad gave you, or noddy the Nid gave you, inside info, stable whispers, uncle tomm Cobblys pinstickers.....just THE THE BETS YOU HAVE POSTED ON HERE FOR ONE MONTH. I will do the same in good faith as i have nothing to hide or make people jealous about. these cvhaps are hary souls and can take it, honest. Cant say fairer than that surely?
  • Inside info
    ...and hardly known for 2yos first time out
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    Ok SS, lets put this to bed. Whats your last months results that you have posted on here remembering you lost £175K in one bet on Wholestone despite being advised it has an awful record at Newbury.

    Simple request. No insults, no fancy tricks, just good honest stats that you have posted on here. Dont make up stakes, just your list of winners and losers you have posted on here and only mention stakes where you specified ie £175k, otherwise the assumption is level stakes.

    Do this and and i will respect you. weedle way out you have proven you are not not genuine. As a pro you will have ledgers recordeding every bet you have made, as I have and im sure peregrine has.

    this is not an exercise to see who has the biggest cack , but simply one of integrity. Surely i cant be fairer than that.

    so to recap:

    Every bet since 12/11/18 (including Wholestone at £175k)

    That will put the matter to bed and we can all move on. i am happy to do the same
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    see "delusional"
  • Inside info
    See “delusional “
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    See “delusional”
  • Xmas gambles
    see "delusional"