• Inside info from the track 1.15 Cheltenham
    Exactly Daveros, my point also. I know seceral yards in Lambourn and there is never talk of a JP coup. TRV is a dreamer with overnodding friends! And as for tippinga 5/2 shot the world was aleeady on in a 20 runner hcap proves he is a dreamer!
  • Cheltenham 2.25
    yes, He was brilliant and would have won easily but for that error
  • Inside info from the track 1.15 Cheltenham
    priceless! You keep having fantasies that you know JP and all those "faces" that keep giving you the nod...maybe they just have a tick?

    By the way i was 118 points up for my two year olds for this year, so im searching for a few more cliffs to follow them over! Mind you, you probably know Cliff richard as well!

    Have fun!
  • Inside info from the track 1.15 Cheltenham
    JP not to be trusted! Grow up man! You think he would back in a 20 runner hcap? dream on macduff! Dear or dear, let me know when your "informed mates" give you the nod and ill happily take your bets. You can have 5/2 ill 19 solid hcappers run for me!
  • Inside info from the track 1.15 Cheltenham
    33/1 7/1, 18/1 and 50/1...why oh why do Mugs take 5/2 in these races? There are some top class 5/2 shots today in stakes races but people wade in at 5/2 in a 20 runner hcap...Im going to become a bookie!
  • Chelt tomorrow
    wel im happy with that start and 6/1 proved to be a cracking price. My only puzzlement was the RP and experts writing the horse off with no chance. Never even made the Spotlight box on the bookies sheets! Very impressive from the front and it was him piling on the pressure made others fall. Will win again.

    happy days as i can relax now and hope my two outsiders cause a surprise. ive gone in again on Moores at 33/1....it may not win but thats a silly price
  • Inside info from the track 1.15 Cheltenham
    No offence mate...but this was backed off the board yesterday morning and constantly backed since. So to put it up 10 mins before the race isnt exactly breaking news! And if you like 5/2 in a competitive hcap, good luck to you, but you must be mad...even if it wins its NO value!
  • bit of politics for a change - well thought and researched article on this treachery occuring
    Errr, i actaully agree with Bonzo but feel there is a right of reply from someone with different views
  • bit of politics for a change - well thought and researched article on this treachery occuring
    well thought out if youre from the hard right! the biggest travesty is nearly half the country wanted to remain so it was never a CLEAR mandate! The leave camapaign was built on lies and led by a nobody (farage) who was never elected (wasnt that his beef with the EU? hmmm alright when it suits eh Nige) doesnt even live in this sceptred isle, funded illegally (note criminal charges against Leave party) and propped up by the self imposed Boris Johnson..a serial bigamist and meglamaniac. Throw in Beaverbrook and Murcdoch pact to only favourable reports for leave and rubbish remain and you have a pretty tainted campaign that if it were in the business sector would have been deemed illegal.

    Im not on a "loser" bandwaggon, i said before the ridiculous referendum (to satisy Camerons and Osbornes egos) that a clear 20% majority should be needed on such a devisive issue. instead it has split the country in two and highlightide divides in the country and agaes

    With over 90% of 70 year old plus voting leave and over 90% under 25s voting remain, a resentment has been created. The young feel the old have been selfish as they wont be about to face the consequences and the old feel have vented long held , often racist, views about the French, germans etc its referred to as "what did the Romans do for us?" syndrome!

    There is now also an intellectual divide with areas of higher education attainment voting remain and lower voting leave. Look at some of the anomalies in say Norfolk and Suffolk: one of the highest rates of unemployment in the country at the same time as having the highest rate of job vacancies in the country! yet they want rid of the migrant workers in the turkey farms and crop picking farms but do not want to do the jobs themselves! madness! ...that we will all enjoy when fruit and veg doubles in price!

    Look my view was the EU is far from perfect and has lots of faults, but while were a member, we had a say over Europe and were in a position of influence to change the eU. now we have no say whats so all.

    And look for all those chest thrusters and St george Flag wavers out there...you are delusional! the Empires gone and Thatch saw to it we have no manufacturing industries, rely on exports and anything profitable (like railways) she sold to foreign investers through her "friends" agencies. The only part of the railways we own is the Authority itself...the only LOSS making part of the Railways! We own NOTHING and now you have cut us off from the people who invested in Britain. make no mistake, have a look at the Land registry records...most of London is owned by either the Jews whos allegiance is to Israel or the Russians 9n need to explain their allegiance!). we are not in a position of power as we produce NOTHING! we have nothing to sell, even our so called expertise is largely foreign. take a walk around the City, most of the good traders and experts are foreign, the only British is daddys boys Hugo Fotheringham-Gilchrist-Ponsonby- Smyth! and they only got the job through Daddy.

    A bleak view...yes! realism...yes! So lets all be proud of a vote that was based on misinformation and lies and keep rolling out "the will of the people" and enjoy the poverty and destruction of a nation through irresponsible behaviour and the Sun! Milly Dowler should have put an end to these right wing comics and/or Hillsborough but oh no, Myrdich continues to stain this country with his right wing rhetoric.

    And before you ask...am I a fan of Labour...yes. am I fan of Corbyn...No. would he make a good prime minister...NO. i like his values but he is ineffective and will let his personal opinions rule his head. Labour need a new leader and there should be a proper investigation into the monopoly enjoyed by the right wing press.

    Mind you, Cheltenham looks good tomorrow!
  • THE HAPPY CHAPPY 2:55 Ludlow
    Hi Owen, nice write up. i know that Stuart Edmunds fancies his in this. although shooting up the weights it would have won again last time but for an "Olly Murphy Special". Still ran really well and has improved beyond belief since joining Stuart. Ive had some small ew at 9/1 but good luck with yours and i like your write up, makes total sense
  • Max bet exeter 100
    Cracking race and lots in the notebook. Sherwoods horse was backed off the boards but it was soon obvious it needed the run. The Tizzard winner looks very good and was green as hell as were many in behind. Shaughnessey ran well to be 3rd and will be winning soon. Although i had a good win bet i am not despondent as its money lent. I will be getting money back in spades from the 1st 5 home!
  • Has he gone?
    Sorry TRV while you are entitled to an opinion (as was Hitler etc) you are obviously and have never played sport at any level, never mind senior level. Your theory is based around your pocket and losing. AP summed it up beautifully "the only sport where you are followed by an ambulance".

    Your conspiracy theories have addled your brain. when he says he doesnt care whether a punter wijns or loses that should be celebrated for his integrity not demonised by someone who thinks jockeys throw themselves off horses at 35 miles an hour an hour losing £15k in earnings and throwing the chance away of being champion jockey for a presteige meeting like the Cheltenham Festival! Priceless!

    Me and Mugz cross swords on many issues but fully endorse his comment : "Ridiculous comment".

    If you hate the game so much and find it so corrupt go and watch Strictly and stop blaming brave men and women who put their lives on the line for our enjoyment.

    Your attitude beggars belief
  • Kalashnikov
    Ill eat my wotsits if he wins a championship race over fences. His fencing was awful and will fall to pieces in a proper race. This often happens to a hurdler who exceeded expectations and maybe had a hard race too many? Hope it proves me wrong as I love the trainer and is one for the small guys, but that chase performance was underwhelming against poor opposition.
  • Has he gone?
    just spotted this. The Racing Voice? The racing garbage id suggest. A jockey deliberately falling off a horse, are you mad? you try it at 35 miles per hour.

    ruby is and will always be brilliant. One theory is that if hes on a fancied horse and its not running as well as expected, hes the opposite ie brave and throws it the last trying to pull it out of the fire?

    It wouldnt surprised me that he may have lost some confidence. Near death experiences become even scarier as you get older and maybe he is suffering but what right does the TRV have to label him a cheat? of course you win thousands of races being a cheat. He is one of the finest horseman, most modest men and all round hero. Hang your head in shame
  • Late i know
    He was right...it was more a 500/1 shot!
  • Newbury thurs
    Hmmmmm not a great dsy but sll 3 can be backed again especially Sula Island who was schooling in public. Please watch the video....not off a dollar and the bookies knew it! Tobessid was just getting a head of steam when it clattered one. Thomas campbell ran well in a hit race snd accepted it warly. Again kings must be backed nto. I was told Greatexvwouldvwin when it was 5/2! Doh!

    An unsuccessful but informative afternoon
  • Aw racing your vote
    Ive achieved my aim! Ie is a good racing debate snd thats whats it all about! I myst be a hood “outsider” as im ahead modt seasons! Ive been involved in a few gambles and can asdure you lumping £6k is not usual. The popular method is still loads of small bets in multiple shops and outlets.....NEVER by phine or on line....you may as well let of s klaxon! Aldo small stakes doubling and teebling up with a non runner to svoid suspicion. Most coups sre never revealed by bookies, the ones they talk about is pure publicity! I once hsd thr good fortune to meet J P st a hurling match in Co Mayo. I was with a friend Barry o Grady who owned a few horses snd knew JP well. We ssjed him sbout his betting ss several large gsmbles had been landed that season.....he laughed “jeez lads, i hsvent had a bet in 3 years except €20 euros here and there mainly on the dogs!”. He was genuine and Barry confirmed it. He said his empire was so big now that betting was pointless and Jonjo doesnt have a clue anyway (he was there laughing)! By the way he was a very nice guy. So forget midt of the farbage yiu hear from bookies and “insiders”.

    Good debate though chaps and i fully respect everyones views on the AW. I wanted to provoke s debare and achieved it. Lobg may it continue!
  • AW Festival of Racing
    cheers Wby....a valuable contribution to the debate