• 14 day free trial for Dazzler then he can stop all this nonsense
    Day 1...
    Trumble @ 6-5 3pts MAX 5.00 chelmsford
    Shes a lion @ 15-8 2pts 6.30 chelmsford

    Remember to back exactly to the points advised. I will continue will the trial for the good guys. Hopefully, the trolls will leave it alone after this I leave. Just honouring my word.
  • I think the hcap mark is a little low
    I did not even know what the forum was called and can honestly say that therefore I have never attempted to join before nor will I attempt to join in future. I think that advertising another forum on one that your on pretty much breaches the rules and I hope that Mugz bans you and Kerry for it not as it would be the correct thing to do.
  • I think the hcap mark is a little low
    Thankyou Malawi. It is such a pity that others are not like a few of you on here the likes of you Joemugg,Jambo, akd,Calvert, brian and kneejerker and others are an asset to this forum and just let people get on with it. All I have ever wanted to do as said when I joined was to provide the board with a few winners which in fairness I have done.After yesterday's commotion and out of respect for Mugz I am leaving the board as my presence here attract the wrong types and produces flare ups that are simply unnecessary. I can not see any other way as these flare ups will just keep occurring as some are intent for whatever reason to create trouble on the forum. Thankyou Mugz for letting me be a part of your forum and I hope that you will keep this show on the road. I will look in on the board and still read be reading posts so you good guys better get some winners picked out and help each other. Good luck to all with your future bets and I am deeply sorry that I could not continue and provide you with more winners, but the trolls will always attack and I do not want a bad reflection on what is mainly a good board and a good set of people.
  • Sunderland dog tip for Wednesday
    Oh i see wat u here for wanting advertisement for other forum do u. Hence your 1 like have some respect for Mugz. Logging out now let u people play lol
  • Sunderland dog tip for Wednesday
    Puts winners up I didn't even post what u on about lol see the razor glass winner I posted today I thought you were going to say well done when i picked a winner lol. Guess not then?
  • Sunderland dog tip for Wednesday
    This forum is not destroyed in any way it still operates as Mugz has said before it will remain here some members where wanting it to be shut down well done to Mugz for not giving into them also I felt Mugz was betrayed by a particular forum member who went off and opened his own forum then used messenger on here to pull members onto his forum I do not know who that person was but they ought to be ashamed of themselves stabbing mugz in the back like that. I remain on this forum for as long as I want or until Mugz decides he dont want me here for whatever reason as he is the man in charge.
  • Sunderland dog tip for Wednesday
    dont need any fans lol I still have trainers phoning me asking me how to place there horses so I have enough fans there lol. When I was in the game I operated behind someone big I was marking there card for them out of it there have actually established a high profile in the punting world so wanting to be someone who is recognised was never me. kerry aka Dazzler vent out your fustrations out on me during lockdown if you wish lol.
  • Sunderland dog tip for Wednesday
    You have the writing style of Dazzler kerry lol. still crying over my winning tip are you lol. I don't dream of being am amazing tipster at all I have told you I want some people on the board to make some money when they back my tips. I do not bet I can't get on I have made my money would like to get in the game again hasn't all been a bed of roses but ultimately I have came out the winner. I have tried different tactics to get on but the bookies are alert to it so I end up getting shut down. I only tip on here best of the bets is the place to go for winners.
  • Sunderland dog tip for Wednesday
    It is info Eeza connections where expecting it to win that is why I posted but they cover themselves don't forget these are pro punters whom I deal with not just run of the mill punters.
  • Sunderland dog tip for Wednesday
    Eeza I explain how they go about things when connections are betting it now anyone on here who is a real punter will know how the bet is placed after reading what I have wriiten. The betfairians amongst you such as say for example Brian will fully understand how the bet has been played.
  • Sunderland dog tip for Wednesday
    bet at 2s layed back at 2.06 on betfair by connections. They gain on the cash out offered by 365 just before the off as they are offered a profit as the price has come in. Don't worry the connections know how to make money some of it is left in the bet with the bookie as they expect it obviously to win.
  • 1930 Chelmsford Thursday
    I am going to check every single tipster tomorrow to see if anyone has posted the same lol.
  • I think the hcap mark is a little low
    lol thought that looked an impossible race to work out if I was forced to pick one I wouldn't have got that lol
  • I think the hcap mark is a little low
    Dont know why he went for that one at Dundalk Joe another shortie drawn wide that got beat.
  • I think the hcap mark is a little low
    yes was on about the owner Joe a 'humble' chap like me then best way to be.
  • I think the hcap mark is a little low
    Alright Joe what did he say about it's chances just out of interest. Thanks Jambo.
    oh dear Dazzler will not be able to sleep tonight !!
  • Sunderland dog tip for Wednesday
    2,75 with Paddy power when I last looked
  • Sunderland dog tip for Wednesday
    Hope some ov u got the 2-1 into 6-4 now wiv bet 365
  • 14 day free trial for Dazzler then he can stop all this nonsense
    Just seen this it begins tomorrow the 14 day winning spree.

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