
  • Coronavirus Info
    Yes since the outbreak I've not stepped out without one.! As I see it is . When it was first brought to our attention in Wuhan and it showed the hospital workers in those white suits and all masked up . That told me it was deadly . And it was not to be taken lightly and so it has proved. With young and old fit healthy people god bless every one of them.dying from the virus.even more for the doctors nurses care workers and front line who have fallen victim too it.they didn't have a choice but to go in without any PPE. Absolute nightmare. Now I'm a watcher and it's been reported that a few thousand swallows died after crossing into greece on migration in Germany over a thousand blue tits have died also from respority problems . Also seen footage of pied wagtails dropping over here. Now last week I went out about 10 yards to the car around midnight.with me mask on it was very windy . But when I came inside my face was burning so I washed it straight away .looked in the mirror and it was very similar too sunburn. Come the morning thankfully it had gone. So what conclusion would you make.i think it's airborn so if you have a mask wear it at all times or if no mask put something on. You can listen to the science but I'm taking no chances as every other country wear and advise the people in there respective countries to have <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> good our lot coming on in a few weeks when it will be too late and as we've seen to the unfortunate ones take care :mask:
  • Coronavirus Info
    Here we go again Janet street porter :nerd: another with tunnel vision and being in the masks are a waste of time. Let her tell all those doctors / nurses / care workers. Who are in the frontline against this virus. Her stupid comments. They are having to beg for PPE they are petrified and rightly so .basically it's the slow reaction by the government that we are where we are over this.they knew what was coming but held back for some reason . Also testing is huge look at Germany really low death rates and south Korea. Nearly every country the public are all masked up. And if not they are handing them out ! So is it me or am I missing something.
  • Coronavirus Info
    How can you trust a word from this government.12.000 being shipped back from India :roll: and when asked about it.this was the reply the virus is already here in Britain :rage: so bringing these back won't make a difference. Bullshit ! People in Britain have been in lockdown so this lot should be put in quarintine for a MONTH . Also the masks was put too them and guess what they reckon they don't make a difference bullshit again.all over the world they are wearing them :mask: more people are being lied to by this bunch don't trust them. Ask the poor NHS a d frontline workers who are shit scared and rightly so .they will have some explaining to do DONT TRUST THEM
  • German racing to restart on May 1
    Yes the Germans appear to be doing well with the virus.they also do more testing than us and that is the key issue without a shadow of a doubt. we are miles behind on that score :chin:
  • Should Cheltenham have gone ahead?
    Read article stating one of the reasons Cheltenham wasn't cancelled was of Boris Johnson going to the rugby. I sincerely hope Boris gets through his battle with the virus and anyone who has it or gets it. Bit concerning too me how a lot of people aren't wearing masks .look at china nearly everyone has one on.i know it's hard finding any in the shops but if you see any get them.
  • Coronavirus Info
    Well the numpties up this end have popped up.police reported over a 1000 parties or gatherings last week.:gasp: and one had a barbeque on the 34 floor of the Bethan tower :roll: that is absolute nuts.these were in the greater Manchester area
  • Coronavirus Info
    Sorry Mr force I didn't mean to upset you.your right the simple Simon's are everywhere but my point was they are either being ignorant or is it selfishness a case of I'm alright jack. By their actions. How's the community down there as when meeting people from down south they always comment on how friendly we are up north.hope your well and those close too you stay safe.:up:
  • Should Cheltenham have gone ahead?
    Yes good point this and how many got infected at the meeting? Highly unlikely we will never know.but did some owners catch it.thornton caught it but was he at Cheltenham ? Also on a different note up in Manchester that money grabbing pat karney held a st Patrick's march .unbelievable in my mind and he says on the government's instructions .that makes me wonder it any of those present that day were infected and passed it on :chin:
  • Coronavirus Info
    Now Boris in hospital :chin: that is the last place you want to be.numerous have gone in with other issues and caught the virus in there and sadly passed away. On another note why Are all the simple Simon's of this country mainly living down south ? Nice weather appears to affect their ability to understand safety advice. Up north it's been cloudy and today it's been very wet. Hope your all ok and yes it's frustrating ☹️ but hopefully the country will beat this virus
  • Grand National
    Hopefully they have CCTV and that will nail the piece of scum fuzzy :rage: and well done to all who helped her get a new one :cheer:
  • I will guess your card
    I know how it works :cool:
  • I will guess your card
    Amazing :up:
  • Coronavirus Info
    Now that appears. To be roughly a 2 week incubation period as Boris and others have now got symptoms. :mask: as for it not being airborne is open to debate. I myself reckon it is. And before you come on saying the experts have told us otherwise I'll stick to my assumption. Tell me have any of you been out and started getting a itchy face ? I and others have noticed this. Am I paranoid :chin: but when you go back and wash your hands and face the itchiness goes. Still stay safe chaps each and everyone of you. we have a long way to go :up:
  • Florida Derby
    Mugz :cheer:
  • Florida Derby
    Gourverneur Morris would be my choice in the Florida derby. Good luck if you bet in the just watching
  • 4 horses that mean a lot to me
    Dancing brave Dubai millennium best mate and society rock :cool:
  • Project for anyone with a database
    I've pointed that out about j o Brien in an earlier post he could have a very good year.
  • Coronavirus Info
    Go back a few weeks and the cabinet held a meeting . Next they stated the health minister had symptoms did she get it ? If she did and it's that contagious how come no other person in that room not become infected .as they say you need to be 2 meters apart. :chin:
  • Coronavirus Info
    What did cave men use for goodness sake trouble is as humans we are fragile and the folk stockpiling toilet roll is a disgrace the virus has nothing to do with your bottom :mask:
  • 3.0 Dundalk.
    4th :yawn: fav obliges and me thinks j o Brien will have a good year keep an eye out for his runners


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