
  • 12:55 Pontefract
    Never let the price put you off and :up:
  • 1.10
  • 8.15
    Cheers jack nice drift :cheer:
  • system bet
  • English King
    Jack oh dear the horse is up to it it's the old man on top who's not. Put Tom Marquand on I did the forecast with mogul and pointed out derby form would stand it did. Which race did you watch yesterday Murphy cocked up and you blew a fuse. But really dettori is riding for the bookies plain and simple 6 runner race and still finds trouble he's past it come on dettori do us a favour and call it a day please you are becoming an embarrassment. He's been a great ambassador for racing but it's time to enjoy your family and after this year's arc I hope he does.
  • Osin Murphy
    Yes Jack always remember this as in the derby a race which is 1 mile and a half. These jocks are trained pro's some riding since they were knee high to a grasshopper they can put horses where ever they want in most races unless they are badly drawn but as in the derby it was embarrasing that's putting it mildly. If jocks drop your horse out early doors you know in most cases your cash is done. If they are trying they normally have them in the first 3 but time and time again me you and anyone else who knows what your looking at its bang out of order and the stewards just turn a blind eye . That is wrong they aren't doing their job . It can't be easy trying to control big beasts . But these pro's are trained . Bit like if your a racing driver or if your a joiner plumber if it's your profession you know just what to do. Tell me how many times do you see a horse rear as the gates open ? It's not by coincidence you see it regular and then the horse finish fast and the commentator come out with that old chestnut it was unlucky.still we like a bet and good money can be made ,but bookies hate losing and if you have an online account they soon close you down.they take it fast enough when you lose but win and it's a different matter.
  • Osin Murphy
    If only other jocks owned up. fair play to Murphy .but I think it's about time the stewards got to grips with the ones who do not visibly put in any effort . When we can all see especially if you know what your observing. The game is bent and I'm 100 per cent right about that. Trouble is the jocks are being paid off it's just proving it and who's involved . One day it will and I look forward to it :mask:
  • Galway plate
    Didn't see the race but seen the result my man j o Brien won it and as you put jack trotter the rain was not what peregrine run wanted still that's the chance you take :scream:
  • 4.20
    5th at 10.1 so profit :up:
  • Osin Murphy
    Naffed off
  • Osin Murphy
    Yes horse finished with its ears pricked your right to feel nagged off
  • 2.45
    2 Nd 16.1 e.way :razz:
  • Here we go again
    Nearly 50 :roll:
  • Here we go again
    Think he's had his day and like a good old chap let the young UN's come through . 50 now yes I know he's fit and well but he can't go on forever. Nice wife and family to enjoy and he doesn't need the money :grin: when enable Stradivarius finish I think he will. maybe this might be his last year.
  • Here we go again
    Yes Jack but you actually observed how dettori put in a effort on Stradivarius. The head on is embarrasing if we went doing work like that I'd be expecting the bosses having a word. The horse was more than capable of being in the first 4 . I wonder IF he will put his joke if a ride on ENGLISH KING in the DERBY right on Thursday ? It should beat this field going backwards :cool:
  • Here we go again
    5th FFS and dettori plops it out last watching the replay and the head on shows just how much effort dettori put in :roll: me thinks not a lot :rage:
    Yes Johnston likes em here :cheer:
  • Multiple
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