
  • Cheltenham lucky 31 bet query
    Be careful there are no double entries.
  • 8.00
    Cheers cmb . Great tip
  • 6.15 Dundalk
    I did Isotope earlier. Any idea what the delay is?Not party to LV right now
  • Jabulani
    I think Affaire DHounoure might be better stepping down slightly. Its in the notebook
  • Jabulani
    Great race. Sam T D held on well. Well done Mugz
  • Jabulani
    I like it but also fancy the Carrol horse Affaire D'Hounoure. Gambling yard and was a large price yesterday. Currently 14/1. Dutched them and a cheeky csf with the Moore horse King Cool
  • 3.35 Lingers
    Gteat ride despite missing the bresk
  • 3.35 Lingers
    And I can see us Brexiting in name only with this rubbish withdrawal agreement she's come up with with her felliow traitors. There's going to be trouble ahead!
  • Nicholls!
    I lost all respect for him a few years ago when the trainers championship (IE who won the most prize money) went to the wire in 2011 -12 season I think. I recall Nichools winning the GN which secured the championship. Henderson conceded and was a gentleman in defeat and paraised and congratulated PN. In contrast, PN was his arrogant self punching the air and doing a 'Me Me Me'. I just thought 'WAC'!
  • my free bet tuesday 410
    You might try a saver with Greyed A and maybe a r/f :smile:
  • 4.10 f l
    Oops Greyed A
  • Horrible
    I will happily come back as a well cared for race horse. They have a wonderful life in most cases.Nevertheless it's .very sad when horses break down..
  • Lingers 2.0
    Top bombing!
  • filter bet
    GL but I'm giving Seaweed another try - Suspect it's better at Plumpton than at Fontwell GL :smile: I'm doubling it with Ding Ding - There's been a bit of money fro Ding Ding but wouldn't be surprised to see the price drift nearer the off.
  • Natasha Galpin
    Absolutely tragic and so young. This is so sad! RIP
  • Racing resumes on Wednesday.
    Sheena West runs Ding Ding at Plumpton. The owners are sponsoring the race so maybe we can hop for a good run :smile:
  • winner
  • All racing cancelled 7th February
    Appreciate it's a serious problem but haven't there been outbreaks in France and Ireland with flu vaccinated horses? Possible over reaction but I guess damned if you do, damned if you don't. :sad:
  • all weather system bet
    Top bombing Joe - V profitable thread. :up:
  • Fontwell today
    Thats tbe price I took at Betfred on lucky 15 :smile:

Stevie Wonder

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