
  • All punters !!
    So skybet is the best ??
  • All punters !!
    Thanks all. I'm not even going to bother to mail them. No point . I'll know for again
  • All punters !!
    I done it the night before ... I'll deffo get on to them in the morn . Thanks
  • Monday
    Class :smile:
  • 5.15
    Thanks lad
  • nap
    Nice placer . Cheers
  • Few for Today
    Dont retaliate Dazzler that's what feeds the it !! Ignore and let it starve !! :smile:
  • Few for Today
    Very true .. Why are the allowed spoil it ?? It doesnt take Sherlock Holmes to figure out the fake ID . I'm just if it was me I'd block them straight away .. Thanks once again for the horse dazzler and dont let one fool stop you giving delight to lots of others :smile:
  • Few for Today
    But dazzler them few people are just one !!!
  • Few for Today
    Brilliant stuff dazzler :strong:
  • The 'M' Word
    Reminds me of another poster who has a new profile 4/5 times a year !!!
  • Thurs
    Onto the nxt ones :smile:
  • Hippo / Goodwood going.
    Brill , peregrine thanks :smile:
  • WE BACK !
    3rd it calvert
  • Chicoguapo
    Cheers owenjohn
  • Chicoguapo
    Arnold is right. Sorry
  • Chicoguapo
    Sorry 3.25
  • WE BACK !
    I prayed I kid ya not lol
  • Uncle Jerry 8.0
    I'm on aswell
  • Mon
    1/10 on lol ...