
  • Cyrname
    A machine lol
    It looked washed out last season after beating an unfit altior 2l first time out

    Clan Des Obeaux cruised past it like it was standing still in the race after
    then it was well beaten when it fell next time out.

    Its never even ran at Cheltenham never mind win there todays race it looked good I must say but the standard wasnt so hot.
  • 220 nott wed
    tropics ran well didnt get home
    typically a 3yo wins
  • 220 nott wed
    bad drifter 28s
  • 115 redcar
    young fire wins had same form as selection doh but was 1/2 the price
  • nigel nott 615 chelms
    I will take that win :joke:
  • 6.0 newcastle
    ran ok but draw scuppered it
    fav wins easy
  • 350 ponte
    No good
    Enough today
    Bag full of rubbish lol
  • . Hugoigo 630
    uncle bernie wins beaten 21 l over cd last time out
    and never nearer than 7th in last 6 runs

  • 450 catt
    ran well but no return
    the horse in front of it by one place lto from high draw wins :gasp:
  • 4.15 ascot
  • nap again
  • 420 race
    no show rubbish
  • 235 Nottingham
    Yep 2nd grr
  • 830 race wolves
    :razz: :razz: :razz:

    that will do for a decent night
  • 815 newcastle
    on paper though it had no chance
    but loads of these no hopers have been winning its a complete lottery
  • 815 newcastle
    a horse tailed off by 17 l beats the selection despite being 10l behind it lto
  • 715 newc
    9s looks good now :razz:
  • wolves wed
    both placed but bit ul
  • wolves wed
    should say Tuesday lol I have lost all track of what day it is