
  • Meydan win*ter warmers.
    If you send me your pick I will let you know what type of chance it has.
  • 2.55 Newcastle

    I posted it up when 9/4 was available. Yes I bet favs, but not on the scale you and dazzler do as said too many shorties for my liking.
  • Meydan win*ter warmers.
    Why that's way to early advise it in running lol.
  • 5.45
    Nothing to do with you what properties I have that's my personal business. What do you want next me bank card?
  • Word of the Day
    Well done stevie and good placer Dexy.
  • Meydan win*ter warmers.
    Hope you post it before it runs peregine lol.
  • 5.45
    I feel sorry for you to be honest. Having to copy one of my points ‘you have been exposed’ to argue a point. Try and use. Your own arguement otherwise you just look like an inadequate numpty.
  • 2.55 Newcastle
    More like a money spinner for them. If you where any good your bookies would ban you as they have me. The fact that they welcome your bets tells me that your a loser overall. Well done on aftertiming yet again. It’s ‘bumper time’ pmsl.
  • 5.45
    See my easy winner Peregine on another thread. Pass me your address on I will come and see you next time I’m in Manchester.
  • 2.55 Newcastle
    Boom!! Horse won easy smashed up into shorter odds and never in doubt. Amadeus and co floored!! let the big boys do the research to know what a good bet is.

    Dazzler you aren’t very bright read posts properly I was referring to bodgers tip the one that finished 25/1 in 2nd which you aftertimed. You can’t grasp what I’m talking about. If you can’t understand simple sentences how can you understand horses lol. You, peregrine and hippo have all been exposed.
  • 2.55 Newcastle
    I’m in Manchester showing a few possible tenants around my properties so I will chat to you all later.
  • 2.55 Newcastle
    I like you joe so I will just let you harp on. No pretending with you. You are a genuine guy.
  • Sunderland dogs
    Don’t worry about my finances Dazzler. I’m more than happy with them.
  • 2.55 Newcastle
    I told you dazzler success will breed jealousy. Well done on your aftertimed post yesterday at least bodger put it up before the race good on him I say. As for your excuse about not posting because of this that and the other you said that before when I was just looking in on the board the fact is that you aren’t good enough to post on the board not that it matters anyway who cares who posts losers its inevitable , you are just trying to make out you are something you not. Can’t wait for your next post have you just backed a Portman park winner at 12.00 and wish to tell us about it now lol.
  • 2.55 Newcastle
    Look at its relatives I obviously have more data than you and yes I did do my research. If you don’t like it don’t back it’s simple my friend.
  • 2.55 Newcastle
    Where did it finish on its only run at Newcastle? Yes that’s right it finished 2nd also members of its family have ran well at the venue. A bit of research goes a long way Amadeus.
  • 5.45
    Peregrine you have once again shown what type of punter you are. The last one I posted had zilch chance? What did you base that conclusion on its previous form? oh that’s right it had none. Keep backing those winners my friend skeggy is calling! The more you post the more you drop yourself in it.
  • 5.45
    When a liar is backed into a corner he or she creates more lies to make original lie more believable ie horse now backed with betfred. Best leaving it there peregrine as long as your happy in your world. I don't need to say anymore do I my point is proven thank you for helping me to do so.
  • 5.45
    I don't like exposing people but peregrine must really be feared by his local bookie and he must be a good punter as he says..

    1)He puts a bet on with Paddy Power that gives him his money back if his horse finishes 2nd, 3rd or 4th therefore he must be ultra confident in his selection so much so that he needs another three places just in case.

    2)That offer he refers to gives you a max stake of £20 so I don't know where he is going on his holidays skeggy maybe?

    No one is bothered how you bet or what you stake but stop trying to tell people you are something you are not.

Sunderland Sam

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