
  • Tuesday
    No worries jack , just ignoring the sad munter!
  • Tuesday
    Ok chap give a rest you’re looking very silly. If you hate me snd this sote so much toddle on and stopping msking a fool of yourself. If you bothered to read there is no boasting no bragging but you cant see that so move on. Final word from me on the subject
  • Tuesday
    Wow pinatubo is something special ! That was Dancing Bravesque!! That turn of foot was something special! Thats three max bets on him now so thank goodness for him. Soto got dtopped at a crucial stage but thats the risk at a Goodwood crowded hacap. Dee cee bee ran really well but stradivarius is something special. Isabella came a good fourth (18s on ew extra on bet365) so not a bad day for day 1. But the weather is still awful and Goodwoods only 30 miles away so soft ground tomorrow.
  • Monday
    Cheers guys but feel that some still ran below what was expected. I think i need to leave Jamies and Clives horses alone as all ran well below parr and the 2yo especially looked drugged until it suddenly started running. With a bit more luck Tin Hat could have lasted but still ran a cracker and will win soon.

    I have ignored the bitter and twisted idiot who seems very angry about something but doesnt know what. Ive come to the conclusion he doesnt like anyone or anything and has some kind of self loathing. A worry sign in a world where mental health issues seem to be getting worse. So rather than get involved in a shouting match I have reported this latest tirade to Mugz to take action as moderator as this is clearly abuse.
  • Sat
    Another rubbish ride by crowley but good day and nicola was superb! So unlucky not to win the first one...mugged by a rag close home but ew ensured a profit. Also thank you guys for support, morons will never prosper only have short term victories....not aimed at anyone in particular.
  • Sat
    Well its been a privilege to be here and witness a wonder horse! Despite dubious tactics (were o brien and stoute in collusion?) the best horse kept. Kept wide then intimidated then blocked it showed an amazing dancing braveesque turn of foot to challenge, normally that effort would have meant defeat but this girl stays and battles and today against all odds won! This is some horse and the bha idiots may not rate her but i put her with the very best. That was some performance from horse and jockey and worth 10lb more than the bare result. Im blown away i must admit. Ive been in the game a long time and these days are what i live for!
  • Friday
    I also mucked about with a few fav multiples, just as well as my others bombed!
  • Thursday
    I thought Rhea rana fantastic race and is the one to take from the race. Left at the start, unrideable at one point and then finished like a train and would have won another 20 yards. That and the 2nd are in my notebook. The winner is as good as it is now and wont improve

    Sweat on Hubert as it had the race won then suddenly started breakdancing but once he got going he readily held the runner up. It coulod have been thrown out but i personally thought it was the best horse but would have taken it on the chin if it had. A welcome change of luck. Nice double now on Miss m plus the single win.

    He must be tearing his hair out on Star Fighter...ANOTHER gambled on horse does him.Im leaving him now but oi know hes held in really high regards, just cant transfer to the happens. Cmon Miss M!
  • 4.10pm Catterick
    Good shout, its weird how a trainer can improve a horse so was really in the doldrums. Good spot and it may win again
  • Sandown tonight
    cheers guys, as i say only small stakes with Ascot looming
  • Sea of Class
    Sad news indeed. Very talented. Why did they run it at Ascot? Haggas sensed something and the owners should have listened. You cant predict colic but that pee-race interview with haggas seems very prophetic now. Rip
  • The standard of tipping on here lately
    Cheers jack. Was a bad day for sll lambourn trainers but it happens, but at the prices i still thought they were worth a bet and theres always tomorrow. Normally do ok at Windsor so heres hoping!
  • Sat
    1 lev beer thank goodness! Jalapeño victim lent me out of his huge win! Cheers guys, childish i know but why should people think they can say whatever about you when they dont know you? Social media has a lot to answer for!

    Rubbish day made worse by phantom moron! But hey thats life....maybe one day he will see sense and stop all the negativity but I doubt it.

    On a racing theme i really think cox’s yard may be one to avoid, his worse season in ages where his fancied horses are stopping to a standstill. Having had s few shares with clive over the years he'll be straight as always but must frustrate the hell out of him. Also charlue hills seems to have dipped. Mind you could be the weird weather....i mean soft at newbury late July! Back in uk monday and hopefully windsor will have firmed up!
  • The standard of tipping on here lately
    I admire your honesty at last but feel you are being unfair to illiterate and thick people! They are not stupid after 1 says win! Always the victim eh strapadictomy or jallopino man or whatever your silly name is! I look forward to yiur next enlightened statement is! Best get your mum to look that up for you. Professional victim or what!
  • The standard of tipping on here lately
    Joppy ...that yo being insulted again! Always the victim eh? Well done on your huge win!
  • Sat
    Will do....always the victim eh? Ahhhhh poor lamb!
  • Sat
    Well thanks jockeyti!

    To the sane people out there i hope you laid all my selections! Dreadful day and cant remember such poor showing from lambour at the local course.

    Watched my day unravel in a bar in sunny Bulgaria. Didn’t realise therw had been so much rain at Newbury. My own stupid fault but was horrified to hear soft in the going when i tuned in on my phone. Lnew i was cooked when clives horse was backed from 8/1 to 7/2 and came nearly last! Entem drifted like the titanic and ran like it! Good earth looked like winning then stopped and the others ran as there prices suggested.

    My bank took a nasty hit but thats racing for you! Another day as they say!!!!

    Glad you had a great day jockstrappy, but you need manners. I never wallow in another mans misery so i hope you learn that that you cant get through life insulting everyone and half the tome you dont even realise it!
  • Sat
    Errrrrr no thanks and good night silly boy!
  • The standard of tipping on here lately
    Thats good thst youll have the runs today (see what i did there? Nah probably not.?maybe get an adult to translate?). Anyhoo toodle pip old chum, always a pleasure
  • The standard of tipping on here lately
    Add illiteracy to your sad cv....already posted PAL! Errrr and quite a few took offence to your silly rant but obviously your grasp of grammar is so poor you dont realise.......PAL!