
    Tiger Roll was brilliant and what s ride. Didnt have s penny on it but wow what a horse!
  • Liverpool day 3
    Well not a great day betting wise but wow, what a geeat 3 days racing. Tiger Roll was fantastic under a super ride. The crowd were brilliant and well done Ainteee
  • Liverpool day 3
    Wow that was impressive and put me back in front after the flop in the 1st and brewin in the 2nd. Foot perfect and s great sight seing Davy motionless!
  • Liverpool day 3
    Getting a bit peed off watching richard Johnson get beat on horses he should win with! Life i suppose!
  • Liverpool day 2
    Cheers guys. I was chuffed that my eyes hadnt deceived me and to see barry swinging on the bridle was a joy! Too be honest i was just as please seeing doitforthe village running a geeat race. Paul never lost faith in his stable star . Great day all round and wow will champ be good next year! Also the fat oaf losing the big 2 races made me very pleased!
  • Liverpool day 2
    Wow, Lostintransaction was impressive. Dodd, the confidence in Champ is sky high. They always thought it would be a 3 miler but kept running it under 3 because it was so impressive. The feeling is if its there coming to the last it will sprint clear. The horse that beat it at Cheltenham is a potential superstar as well. Ive had my nuts on it i have to admit...and the missus is not happy! Hopefully she will be after it runs.
  • Liverpool Today
    Farne ran a cracker so overall happy with that. Most helpful WBY but as above not rising to childish remarks. On to tomorrow for another great days racing
  • Liverpool Today
    what a ride from Rachael and what a gamble. we joined it at 8/1 once we knew Theinval was a definite NR...all of the Irish owners seemed to have been on it! this lady is a sensation. 23 wins at Chelt winner at Aintree and 2nd in the Irish Championship to paul townend who rides all Willie Mullins home runners. Ive had a few quid on Valseur tomorrow, partly because im a huge fan of rachaels but it is a high class hurdler and maiden chasers with top hurdles form have won before. Ive fairly lumped on farne throughout the day as soft will suit (as per sandown) and had a few quid on Misty Whisky when it went 10/1. The weather has been horrendous but ive made a few quid and had a rather nice box to myself (well 23 people!!). we have the box again tomorrow but not Saturday so hope the weather improves on Sat! Youve probly seen the massive gamble on Minella Melody. oddly De Bromheads lot were a lot more confident about Moon Over germany. I hope so as ive had rather a lot on farne ew...but got 6 places so im a bit of a coward!
  • Liverpool Today
    wow, WHAT a race. We have retired to our box ( not mine i can assure) as the weather is fowl! Just saw the last 2 furlongs on Tv...three jocks going for absolutely everything and the horses all responding, plus Ruby pulling up a legend very sensibly. These guys do not get paid enough for the entertainment they provide. Henderson pulled Verdana and Brain Power sensibly, its a bog and questions will be asked how its turned into a bog so quickly. Yes theres been rain but not enough to turn "genuinely good ground" on Tuesday into the bog it is now. Just look at the mud spattered jocks coming back. More and more NRs to come im afraid. Ive heard several trainers moaning, not about the state of thew ground now, but how it has deteriated so quickly. If this continues, there wont be a National come 515 on sat...the doogooders will say its two heavy (A la Red Marauder)! Still great fun but limiting future bets
  • Liverpool Today
    Oh yes, Pentland won well against a very tough opponent both going clear. Good to see all the Chelt races getting boosts
  • Liverpool Today
    wow, that was some performance for Kemboy. The rain has not stopped so Verdana may have well stayed at home. Also shows the King George form is poor as Clan laboured passed Balko thrashed by the winner. I will take whatever i can get on Beaveur now!
    10/1, 12/1 and so nearly a 16/1. Brilliant stuff mate and proves always look below the surface for potential winners. Great return and feel for you with that close 2nd
  • Tribute to Noel Fehily, not one of the greats
    Brilliant, one of the funniest things ive ever seen! Dave is Noels best friend. They lodged together and has always ripped Noel, as has Niall...."two strange lads" is a great response from Noel! A fabulous tribute and shows the warmth and regard Jocks have for each other! Priceless
  • Cyrname V Altior...Bet of the season/century?
    I had a feeling Henderson was leaning this way when odds against Altior popped up. interesting the betting is not reflecting the handicappers view/rating! Still think hes a chump for rating Cyrname above Altior (6 wins from 16 races? How can he be the best chaser in the UK?)

    I suppose the odds could reflect the uncertainty of Cyrname lining up but surely if the hcaper and Nicholls are right it should canter all over Politilogue or though I have a feeling it wouldnt!
  • Cyrname V Altior...Bet of the season/century?
    The post have updated the article with this:

    Cobden believes the emphatic Ascot Chase winner is now a more mature horse whose aversion to running left-handed is behind him, putting the seven-year-old in the frame for a potential clash with Altior in the Melling Chase. Bookmakers reacted by cutting Cyrname to a top-priced 4-1 (from 14) and easing Altior to 10-11 (from 8-13)."

    So it appears that 14/1 was genuinely available
  • Cyrname V Altior...Bet of the season/century?
    Hi Joe

    Yes i see that. Just pasted quote from todays post! I wonder did anyone get 14s...seemed crazy to me! But im with Millhouse, ill wait for odds against Altior
  • Webster Cup
    Great analysis and winner
  • Nicholls at Kempton
    Noooooo! He does have s strong hand but hendersons mob quite fancy s double if not a treble, so heres hoping! No doubt ill be wiping lots of egg off face later. Good to have a competitive day following Cheltenham
  • Day Four
    Dodd, respect what youre saying, but have you been called a “spastic “ lately? Thought those days had gone but acceptable on a board? Cool if thsts whst you want?

    Wby, youve made your opinion about me clear before and “clown” is acceptable, but “spastic “ isn’t.

    Anyhoo, no worries guys, i will continue to fight bullies in life, but not on here as it appears it’s allowed.

    Again, my opinion snd something i feel strongly about.

    I wish you well guys and kerp beating those bookies
  • Day Four
    Just back from festival. Great day marred by sir eric accident. Tragic but crowd respect was amazing. Then i read thos clowns barbed analysis and childish rant at millhouse!! Mugz do the decent thing fgs.

    Had we have a dream for a huge win but sadly out done by a handicsp plot. Had pentland tho and gewat ride by useless Nico! And thankfully std clinic made me have a couple of quid on Rachaels 50/1 winner but had lumped on dickie diver ew already so had good place and unexpected win! Wishi could have switched the stakes!

    Loved the fsct Rachael ends up 4th best jock and nico wins, so feck you clinic twot! Sorry guys but had to get that off my chest! Hope none of you followed this delusional idiot to the poor house! Good though that his post proved hes a clueless idiot! Unless southwell was on of course!

    Annoyed at gold cup as i thought Alboum was his best chance but couldnt have him as the winner! Chuffed thst clan didnt win as that king george form was dodgy....everything fell or ran no race and the fact brostol thrashed it yoday told me thats a bad king george!

    Felt sorry for myself as i backed bun dooran but that winner ran s brilliant race and ben case is a good bloke, so fair play

    Do sll in all i had a cracking few days except black weds of course!

    Hopefully mugz band this idiot as i enjoy posting but will never be bullied!