
  • 14 day free trial for Dazzler then he can stop all this nonsense
    Yes no doubt as u say many more to come owners that is for Crosse fire lol. See ya pal u r fully exposed so u have to jog on now ya got no choice!!
  • Info yay or nay forum decides
    Result in and it's a YES for the info just like the old days. It will be BOOF BOOFKABOOM!!!!
  • 14 day free trial for Dazzler then he can stop all this nonsense
    The only people u benefit r the bookies lol. You have nothing to offer as said u r just a clueless owner. U no u r no gud at punting and deep down that hurts u. Big mouth, owner of dodgepot of a horse it was duckin into the rail last time it ran. I could go on but I think everyone has your measure on here now.Goodnight. Don't forget to go on who wants to be a millionaire and when u get to phone a friend pick your friend Doug Watson pmsl.
  • 14 day free trial for Dazzler then he can stop all this nonsense
    Dazzler u have been given a chance to prove yourself but u have declined and personally you are nothing but a clueless owner who does not even have the balls to tell Dixon what race to put your horse in you went from having a partnership in your horse to 25 ownners lol. That tells me in itself you are struggling nothing to be ashamed off wonder how much u lose each year i bet your accounts are never banned or restricted as u r a bookies benefit lol. You r exposed and anyone can do Doug Watson horses lol all favs most of them great judgement why dont u post one and tells us all how u arrive at that selection answer u can't lol. I just chuckle with the amount of nonsensical things u post.
  • One a day
    I dont think you should be too concerned. You had a good multi up the other day if I remember correctly. Punting is about mindset when i was punting even if i was behind i would start the day convincing myself I was even. Dont let the mind games of punting affect what you want to do.
  • 14 day free trial for Dazzler then he can stop all this nonsense
    yes but when you are selecting long shots then your strike rate will be lower to level stakes you are still well in front points wise this week.
  • 14 day free trial for Dazzler then he can stop all this nonsense
    Despite what you all may think it's not just a matter of picking favs you know. Like tommorow's selction is 5.25l faster than a 71r horse and only off a mark of 75 in this novice. Recall the show who beat show me a sunset is rated 80 and was carrying 9-3 wereas show me a sunset was carrying more weight 9-5 yet only got beaten a head so all form says this could very well be an 80 rated horse in hcaps judged on that basis and that is how I selected it. I don't just pick Doug Watson horses ya know lol
  • 14 day free trial for Dazzler then he can stop all this nonsense
    Day 9...

    Not Joe's selection lol but maybe he better than me at this game

    Its a 2pt win @ 7-4 SHOW ME A SUNSET
    6.45 Newcastle

    Posted early just for Joe lol.
  • DFM
    Lol Joe maybe we shall see
  • Chelmsford
    I thought an outsider might win the 7pm race Joe something in the 11-1 plus range to hard to narrow down for me but maybe you see something I can't Joe lol
  • 14 day free trial for Dazzler then he can stop all this nonsense
    Yes at least a profitable one which is the main thing.
  • Running totals for 14 day free trial
    Day 8...
    3pts staked
    6.75 returns

    Running total +5.03 pts
  • Info yay or nay forum decides
    Think he has cracked Don lol. Think he is sayin u r me now. We will have to put our honeymoon on hold Don till the virus is ova lol.
  • Info yay or nay forum decides
    Having a pop at the forum owner now r u Dazzler, been on here for 20 yr u say well that might not be the case if Mugz reads this, have u respect for anyone??
  • Info yay or nay forum decides
    Ass has gone and its completely fell lol out didn't expect anything else one lucky day not gud enough have to be consistent . People r not daft thanks for clarifying wat type of tipster u r pmsl here, thanks for entertainment.
  • Info yay or nay forum decides
    I thought you would be speaking with Doug Watson on the blower lol. You told people u owned crosse fire so your personal details were known well before Dazzler. I will give my name when u start posting somethin up lets see how gud u really r and then i will put one of mine up i can make u a wealthy man Dazzler so take the opportunity my good man.
  • Forums
    Yes u r smart it would spoil ur false rep of being someone in the know so smart move as u know posting will expose just how great u r lol. No more comments from me out ov respect for Donb he is a top man take a leaf out ov his book Dazzler WATSON lol
  • Forums
    Lol same excuses u aint gud enough more blah,blah,blah. Not surprised u never took the offer lol.
  • Forums
    I await your info post lol

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