
  • Class is permanent
    Btn a whisker looked all over the winner. Also think result should have been reversed due to interference. Actually, made some profit as traded in the run, but for bet advised it is no returns lol.
  • Brighton bookie basher
    1stAlfred Cove (GB) (1)9/4fav
    2ndhdMy Kind Of Girl (FR) (4)17/2
    3rd1.75LRebel Redemption (GB) (5)11/4

    Returns ! Returns ! Returns !
  • Brighton bookie basher
    DING DONG ! Alfred cove wins at Brighton :fire:
  • 3.00 Uttoxeter
    For sake of board not replying to you anymore sad man. You have been exposed for who you really are and that is the end of matter. MR Car pmsl.
  • 5.45 Windsor
    Proof photos taken years ago, lol.
  • Three trembler
    You need help troll.
  • 5.45 Windsor
    Your obsessed go back to sunbathing in Brighton.
  • Three trembler
    I'm going nowhere you are constantly harassing me. Just do your own thing and stay in your own lane pal. Board don't want to see it. No one is telling you to go pal thats your choice but for sake of board give it a rest.
  • 3.00 Uttoxeter
    Go back to your select group and stop advertising and sniffing for members Mr Car.
  • 5.45 Windsor
    Yes must be that good that you are spending time on here, lol.

    Seriously who goes on holiday and spends times on forums like you do. Answer people who ain't got a life. It is very sad. Get a grip of yourself fella.
  • Three trembler
    Upgraded your phone yet ?
  • 3.00 Uttoxeter
    Select group you and millhouse lol
  • Three trembler
    And you cannot even tell the truth correctly. Buy some slip ons will save you the hassle.
  • 3.00 Uttoxeter
    Must be a great board you are on as you are always on here, lol.
  • 3.00 Uttoxeter
    Don't go near water when you use it pal. Wouldn't want you to blow yourself up lol
  • Three trembler
    Can you tie laces or do you need assistant?
  • 5.45 Windsor
    Trolling again. What a great holiday you must be having.
  • 3.00 Uttoxeter
    Want to use my electric pump to blow ya dingy up with. Ok no problems will get it out of garage for you later.
  • Three trembler
    Tie your laces you might stop triping over yourself then.
  • Three trembler
    Why use old photos? Utter madness lol.


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