• Just because..
    Mugz quality? Where? It used to have a lot of qualities until the multi clowns came in and posted non stop rubbish and that drove away all the genuine info posters in here. Hippo, being the last of them was very tolerant at first but eventually succumbed to the bulls in here. The Duke, Dazzler, chicoguapo, and a few more left from the original board before that. Only a blind man can’t see how this once useful board has gone down significantly from what it was before. Sad but true, accept it Mugz!

  • Altior v Cyrname
    I’m relishing it! Both from my sore head and pocket!
    But that’s the name of the game! Nicholls eats it most of the time mind you so he’s cert. due a bit of luck this time

  • Altior v Cyrname
    Funny how the horse racing pundits make it look as if it’s even a close match between ALTIOR and CYRNAME. This is more like Altior vs Altior, wether he runs his race or not. 19/19 is a hard proof the he’s never failed to do so. Don’t really care how Cyrname runs tom. as he’s nowhere near Altior’s class. Henderson is a proven master at his craft and he’s not a fool to run his superstar and risk it’s wellbeing at this new trip if the horse isn’t capable of seeing it out. Most likely fact is that Altior has shown all the right signs at home and that Nicky and co. firmly believe that their superstar will see out this trip even better than 2 miles at this stage of it’s career. My money is already down on Altior and I’m just waiting to collect my free money tom. After enjoying to watch Altior romp to victory.
  • 250 wetherby sat
    BTW in the 1st race @ Chelt theres a big word for the horse, ahhh.. nevermind ITV, Headlad, the kid etc etc has all the infos anyway I’m sure hell post it soon.
  • 250 wetherby sat
    “OUR KID?” You’re kidding me, he’s a kid himself! But kidding aside, the board has to get rid of this multi ID kid!
  • JPOB
    And a shocker in the end. something must have went wrong there. Oh well at least the other fakir kept me ahead of today.

  • Meydan winter warmers are back
    Still didn’t answer Dodd’s legit question.

  • Meydan winter warmers are back
    2 Legends Hippo and Dazzler.. The very reason why this board is still able to just about keep it’s head above water.

  • Hi all
  • Big Wednesday Wolves Double
    Lol big in what? clown!
  • 425 Kemp
    What did the mother of the horse told you? Are they lumping all in!?
  • Friday
    Cheers Hippo!

  • 8:30
    Same shyte back for more eased down for a while after his handle got banned but now starting to use his deluded words again like waiting for permission to post from connections etc LOL!
  • Few for Today
    I hope this Twisted Nuthead didn’t get a single penny out of your tips Dazzler.
  • Few for Today

  • Few for Today
    That “P” prob lost a tenner yesterday so he was giving out hope that goof didn’t follow any of your tips today! Waiting for Dubai Legacy max bet of mine today if it wins thanks again to you if it loses no hassle at all and will still follow your tips.
  • Few for Today
    Absolute top class Dazzler. Ignore the deluded multi ID’s and Cry babies in here.

  • Friday
    boom! thanks Hippo you're da man! big win bet plus also had it doubled with Hibernian Warrior in the next.

  • Friday
    I was told HIBERNIAN WARRIOR is very well fancied in the 4:10 still 11/2

  • Monday
    got the name of the horse wrong tin hat for typhoon ten but who cares: How we roll won smokie placed with the fave thats 1-2. I have a big lump on the Jive next. :sweat: