• Laurence Bellman
    Yes ok Dazzler u have stable connections in Doug watsons yard in the UAE and backed his outsider in the race were Lytham St Annes was beaten and u say im deluded. Lol gotta love this board good job they isnt a liars jar as it wud be full to the brim, pmsl.
  • Laurence Bellman
    Well done Peregrine good honest post.
  • Dazzler
    Sure did Peregrine and glad you did too. Delighted for Dobbsy too, and will be celebrating with Doug and the team again in March for the Dubai World Cup.....trip now paid for with all expenses covered!
  • Dazzler
    Was a 2931-1 6 timer for Doug and a great 5 timer for Pat Dobbs.
  • Fuzzybear1649140
    Very well done The Daz m8y. Didn’t do them myself but awesome (and sweet :grin: ) results again :clap: :clap: :clap:
  • owenjohn
    hahaha BRILLIANT!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
    Back in your box Bellend, to think of a new alias :wink:
  • Dazzler

    You are correct Bellend I do have connections in Dubai and have already said I had a little more on Lytham than Waady but still backed it single!! Read em and weep kid and keep dreaming.....hope the good guys listened and followed again!! Will put money on it now that you will never have a post like this!!
  • Laurence Bellman
    Im a selective lump on type person. Im not reckless to have 6 fold accas. My bets are between 500 to 1000 so im dealing with big amounts well there are to me others like veitch etc bet far bigger. I win about 150 - 200k per year and have done for the last ten seasons my methods work so im happy enough with the way i do things. Dont worry abput me Dazzler just sit and take note when i bac one or get info like todays what i said about hammonds horse was spot on.

    Im not saying people should not do accas if thats there thing but as people know they r hard to get up and generally in the bookies favour.
  • LDJ
    Having read something else where I know for a fact that you are a charlatan bellend and should be removed from here for longer term good of this forum
  • Dazzler
    Listen to the people Bellend....they all cant be wrong!!! Multi ID's suggest a major problem in your head. Be who you are and proud is my best advice at this point!! Your tips on here do not suggest any real income of any amount!!
  • cosmo2018
    Brilliant day Dazzler thanks for great info some decent prices as well cheers
  • calvert
    Thankx Daz U R The Man
  • Hippo
    Daz, only just read this! Wow! 6/6 is unbelievable. Brilliant stuff. ive never done that ever! All the accas must have been superb and this is at a track that is so hard to predict (thats why i didnt spot it). Hope you hit em hard mate and ignore this person, they are feeding off hate and one day he will meet his come uppance. We should all feel sorry for him as he obviously has mental health issues and is in a very bad place. I see hes also owning up to Sunderland Sam with his Dog talk!
  • Dazzler
    Cheers Hippo, alas I didnt do the 6 timer but had a very profitable day! The deluded one does not bother me in the slightest other than ruining what the board is all about and it does make me think twice about posting good honest info on here when idiots like that may profit from it!! Just wish Mugz would sort it and the board would be a better place!! Thanks again Hippo, you are up with the best on here mate!
  • IXI
    2 Legends Hippo and Dazzler.. The very reason why this board is still able to just about keep it’s head above water.

  • Mugz
    Generally the people who put the most in get the most out, and they are usually the positive ones.

  • Dazzler
    Generally the good ones tell you they are peed off with the Multi ID'ers and time wasters too!!
  • dodd
    what would you class as the most?

    One of the “most” profitable tipsters on here posts nowhere near as much as he did but when he does the whole board benefits so in this instance I’d say you’re incorrect.

    Cards on the table Mugz, I don’t know why you don’t give a black and white answer as to why you don’t properly deal with trolls and Multi IDs which are to the detriment of your board overall. Is it because you are profiting from traffic on your site, Can’t be arsed with the hassle, don’t have the time to moderate properly or all of the above?
  • Mugz
    If someone wants to sign up multiple times there is little you can do about it if thats their life goal. Attention seekers normally give up if they are ignored in my opinion, but people keep on giving them what they want.
  • Mugz
    If you are referring to Hippo, then Id say his contribution is at optimum levels. If he has something worth posting he does.
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