• The standard of tipping on here lately
    And thats your usual contribution isnt it? No views no opinions just hated in your heart? Well enjoy your bitter and twisted day while the rest of us enjoy our racing! Hurts doesn’t it? But you bring it on yourself.
  • The standard of tipping on here lately
    So why post it j? What were you trying to achieve? Youve slagged me something rotten in the past and then you pist this! Not happy? Toodle along to betfred and get your frankie 58 fold on.....sp only onblast 57 selections of course!
  • Crowley at Ascot
    Well hes as useless as I thought he was! Fancied rides in just about every race and hardly placed! What maktoum sees in him ill never know!!
  • What’s Happening to Moore The Merrier...
    have a read of Kieron Fallons book, its clear you dont always get the choice...the Lads and Aidan largely make them. Once thats understood maybe people may look past the Moore mount and find the winner and stop complaining about the "third string" winning. fallon makes it clear there is NO third string, Aidan runs them on their abilities ie even the so called "pace makers" are capable of winning group races. i know they think Seamie Herfferman is the most important part of the riding team. Hes a real horseman with soft hands who knows everything about the horse. When i won on South Seas at ascot i pointed out Seamie had ridden it every time and Moore hadnt ever sat on the horse in a race yet Moores mount went off 11/4 for the Ascot race and South seas i grabbed at 25/1 and duly won!
  • What’s Happening to Moore The Merrier...
    Youre not being unfair dano, look at his rides on barbados and stoutes yesterday! A hack apprentice would be stepped down for them. Mugz stats can lie especially when youre always on the best horse! His win ratio should be much higher. He gave japan a god awful ride in the dante, need i go on? Hes a bully on a horse and mever subtle. Aidan buts seamus up on horses that need sympathy never moore.
  • Thurs
    well not a bad day given the results but Ryan moore will be the death of me! god awful rides on Barbados (why did he chase the bolting outsider so hard? as i said that horse needs soft hands and he beat it to death. That horse wont win again thanks to moores brutality) and even worse on mirage dancer letting the rag win when he found every piece of danger he could, none of which existed! and of course his only good ride to pip my Platinum Star

    good start with ew success at ew 2nd on St andrews at 33/1

    Other 2 at Donc ran poorly

    ew disaster on Barbados thanks to a shocking ride by moore#

    was bang on about the odds on fav and laid it and almost had it away with Platinum Star ew with other ew down

    robbed with Moss Gill to a rag on the wrong side but ew landed and a great ride by Nicola

    i had a massive lay on masar as i got more negative about him as the day went on. i said its a dog and ran like one. im pleased with myself but what the hell was Moore dreaming about? the stewards should throw the book...but they wint, its Ryan Moore. i heard some boos at Newmarket today...ive never heard that before but it was shocking 6 runners on the wides course in the country and he gets boxed? an apprentice would be hammered by his boss.

    Overall im happy to get out alive today as bizarre results and rides everywhere. With some luck i could have had a fortune today but thats racing and on to tomorrow. im just off to get Moores autogragh!
  • Why do the BHA mess with fixtures?
    I typed this ages ago so maybe my posts now go through a moderation process, i have no issue with that, thats what we were calling for. Still annoyed about the fixture list but as im in Newmarket in my hotel ill stop moaning now!
  • Today
    Cheers guys, always said i like the site, just needs to be policed better. They will be back tho under different guises
  • Saturday
    A good day with all bets landed ew! Proves that was a shite ride on japan at york from moore and Madmhoon is the best horse in the guineas. Kuwait beaten a beak but good boost for osbornes at ascot! A bit of luck and i could have won a small fortune but thats the game! Happy with good place wins. I see mugz is allowing that clinic guy and trv (the lads) to post again so thats me done chaps
  • Epsom Friday
    Watched oaks from hospital bed and felt a bit unlucky on manuel de vega but picked up ew cash st 16/1. Also got my ew on saloen and thought lorelina was unlucky in 5th and had an awful run like manuel. Angels smelt to high heaven and if the result can be believed the goldophin handicapper would have won the Guineas by 5 lengths! I suspect Angels is a dodgepot but surely they could have made it look as if they were trying! Loser on the day which annoys me as i font normally bet thst short.
  • Epsom Friday
    Taken 9/4 on angels. If goldolphins wins the handicapper is saying a handicap is better than the guineas! Which of course he maybe right
  • Biggest pricer I've had a result from.
    Oddly i posted (and backed !) a 100/1 winner on here at a minor meeting when Brendan Powell decided to run half his stable in one day (he was already in trouble then) He had 100/1 20/1 AND 6/1winners at one meeting. I did all 6 races in doubles, trebles and accas and won a fortune (as i believe did a couple on here i believe).

    ive backed 66/1 winners ante post that have won but my biggest single return was a Tote payout ( in the good old days when you backed blind and the idiots didnt ruin the market as they do now....."oh look Dave the favs 9/2 on the tote and only 6/4 with the bookies..right im having £200 on it...bugger its now 5/4 on the tote! Doh!")

    In 1989 i was certain id seen an odd "non trier" of Richard Holders (common in those days...him and Baker used to take the Bristol pee!...oh yes, who rode a lot for him? Oh yes, FA himself, Nicholls! Hmmm!). The odd thing it kept coming 2nd to decent horses, albeit by respectable distances ie ran on when race was over). I was sure it could have won most of them. Anyway, come the day, My long term fancy Black Bucaneer of Jenny Pitmans was 7/2 fav but what was lurking down the bottom at 66/1, Holders horse Ikdam! Now Hills were tinkering with accepting tote bets where you just identified by writing TOTE against your bet. It was the first year. Id backed Black Bucaneer at 16/1 ante post and thought it was a certainty (it had beaten Ikdam twice) but i coulnt ignore the devil in my head that kept saying "Ikdams not been trying!" I had a good few months so i laid out £10ew and proudly wrote "tote odds" across the bet. Altogether i had £30 ew on Bucaneers so started wildly cheering as it hit the front with one to go...it pinged the last and I thought Mark had it in the bag.....but whats that all on its own on the far rail...the one the commentator was ignoring. i could see it coming with a withering run yet he kept ignoring it. So 50 yards from the line the commentator screams "and its Black Bucaneer coming to the line but now joined by.................Ikdam!" My heart sank then jumped again as i had a 66/1 winner of the Triumph! i was in a shop in Slough dancing like an idiot desperately trying to work out what was the best result, then cursing the forecast (why i never know, i never did them!)...then the wait began...silence in the shop as a 66/1 had just won (except one dancing lunatic!)..."why didnt just take the 66/1?" "knowing my luck it will return 23.5/1 or worse".....anyhoo, they started coming out for the next race and no tote return yet! The agony! In truebetting style i said "sod it" and had £30 win on irish horse at 6/1 in the next...and it won! While said lunatic started his dance again...the words boomed over the speakers "we finally have to tote returns for the 1st race at Cheltenham...." no one was bothered but a few noticed the lunatic had stopped dancing and had his head in his hands...."1st No 14 Ikdam".....a massive gap...."win....massive gap....£247.70 and place £64.30"...i nearly collapsed! i did the maths and realised over £3k to come back to a young lunatic on £40 a week! I never bettered it but should have won on Yahoo at 66/1 later in the day when Tom Morgan throw the race away to a beaten Desert Orchid,...but that would have been greedy!

    That win has stuck with me as proof your own eyes are the best judge. I KNEW Ikdam had the beating of those horses and it did!
  • Thursday
    just posted Mancy
  • Thursday
    Oh thats annoying! beaten the shortest of noses with two horses withdrawn. moore wasnt schooling there was he! one more stride and Shades would have won, so ew decision was good to spread the max stake
  • Thursday
    Well the owners of Telecaster are going mad! One of them told me it would win yesterday and i knew they backed it heavily (see yesterdays post). I dont think it can possibly win a Derby but it won it well enough. However Too Darn Hot was handled with kid gloves but not as much as the disgraceful ride of Moore on japan...that was schooling in public. Never at any point was it put into the race. A maiden winner and an all weather 3rd? Porot would have a field day. Rip the form up, that CANT be Derby winning form. o Briens must have all shortened?

    Also apologies to rebecca Bastiman refering her to Julie Camacho! Hayadh has run a stormy and may have been unlucky. But good return on the ew bet and have an ew treble on multiples, so all ok so far!
  • Thursday
    Ha ha what do i know about racing. Stoutes almost wins....but then again the key word is almost, it didnt. So its raced a stone above its rating so the handicapper is the idiot !!! I told you Stoutes a great trainer of "late developers!" :razz:
  • Thursday
    Hi FLA...yes all singles but then i mix and match with small multiples etc and of course the famous £1ew acca which i will post about from jamaica if it wins! Its unusual that so many noted horses are all running.

    Its not like me but I feel confident about 3 or 4 and others are speculative. Hopefully that comes across in the commentary. just had another bet on Nyaletti as it went to 10/1 and Stoutes 11/2!!! Either Im so wide of the mark or the nations on drugs!
  • York Weds
    As i thought, not a very exciting day. laid Varians horse which won me a few quid (ironic that he DOES have a 14/1 winner in non yellow with black spots Sheikh colours!)....about the 6th ive seen and laid in these colours lately...lost on Limato...got going allo to late which you cant do on this track and knew my fate when Sand Share drifted like the proverbial....so didnt expect much and just returned a lay bet. thats York though. onwards to tomorrow
  • Stoute at York
    Hi Jeepster

    do you not find the Stoute horses are seriously under priced considering what theyve done? not as bad as Varians but i think bookies deliberately under price all of Stoutes horses and their win rate would send you to the poor house!

    good luck tho and may be a good spot