• Got the nod for one (INFO)
    See "delusional"
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    was it the "irish lad in the stable" told you that or TRV or Roonaldo or the mirror? apparently the lates scan showed that you are a twit!
  • Xmas gambles
    just looked it up and I choose the fact "youre an idiot". And i sooooooo want to be you in your room full of multiple personalities, at least you have someone to talk to.
  • Xmas gambles
    Yes "oh sammy Sammy, sammy sammy sammy sammy, Oh Super Sammy Sammy, Sammy Sammy"...yes i am am quite intelligent and have put my point across very succinctly, but you cant understand that so ...I suggest you read your posts, add up your collosal losses, stupid unfounded arguments, multiple ids and go share them with your inner circle (Roonaldo, TRV and god knows how many others!)

    never confuse sarcasm with intelligence. OPh by the way you keep swerving the £175k loss on wholestone and you trolling Peregrine because he pointed out its awful record at Newbury...odd that! You also avoid the fact that despite one day when you may have had a 6/1 and 2/1 winner (well done), you fail to address your "in the know" (as above) and multiple losing bets? Now address all of those for starters and there may be an air of forgiveness

    Some have messaged me asking why am i bothering addressing somebody like SS/TRV/Roonaldo et al well:

    1) i wont be trolled or bully
    2) I dont like liars
    3) I wont be insulted
    4) You are losing innocent punters money
    5) I want to help. I have over 20 years experience in Mental health services and it is obvious you are suffering from multiple personalities and Attention deficit Disorder and these have become all consuming in your life

    as I said in a previous post, I am very happy to meet to discuss
  • Jamie Osborne
    Good on Jamie, pity this site cant manage trolls
  • Xmas gambles
    No Sam you cant, you c#nt! (see what i did there)
  • 12:15 Hunt tomorrow
    Actually it was in reply to your insults ie you poke your tongue, ill poke mine! Playground stuff...just banter as you call it!

    As for my anonomity, ill meet you whenever you like. Many guys on here have had personal dealings with me and can vouch for me. There is nothing wrong with banter or posting, but you come on here with multi ids, then fill the board with "in the know" bets that 1 in 10 win usually at 2/1 and then criticise others for making an observation (Peregrine, Newbury,,Wholestone cant win..and came last). Youve conventiely keep ignoring your £175k loss on Wholestone when bigging yourself up and saying you are sooo far in front. you cant be? So whos delusional? ie denying something thats happened ever happened!
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    An Irish lad that used to work in a stable? Now THATS unsual, was he called Joseph? (just banter!)
  • 12:15 Hunt tomorrow
    Oh thats sooooo deep!
  • 12:15 Hunt tomorrow
    Ha ha! I rest my case! “Nancy board”.....priceless!
  • 12:15 Hunt tomorrow
    I owe an apology, the bet in wuestion from “oh super sammy” was wholestone with a whooping £147K at 2/1 and it was inplaced. Peregrines crime was to point out before racing that wholestone has an awful record at newbury. His reward for a sheewd observation? A tirade of abuse from SS similar to “fat oafgate”! Similarities? Id say so!

    While this board is for fun trolls should not be sllowed to indult others and hide through internet anonymity. If he spoke to people face. To face like yhat he would be on his pants, so why get away with it on here.
  • 12:15 Hunt tomorrow
    Errrr “fat oaf” here (the best you can do?) and what about the countless losers as you appear to be reponsible for 75% of the posts on this site.....mot bad for a “shy 1st timer” and lets not forget your multi thousand pound loser that you boasted about.

    You seem as “shy” as TRV and ROONALDO.....hmmmm now theres a thing!

    As for purile “im taking my ball home if i cant get in the ream” so called challenge to Peregrine.....grow up. The board can do without your fantasied twisted posts that lose time and time again and when you finally pick a 2/1 shot that actually wins you have to congratulate yourself with “oh super sammy, super sammy etc etc erc”. You are delusional, sad, attention seeking, multi personality all round idiot who really should seek some help. Its called attention deficit usually born out of no friends and uncaring parents. Im sure your “friends” in Harley Street would be willing to help, if only they existed!!

    I calculate you are over 135,000 points DOWN in the real world thats the equivalent of winning a millionaire in oh sammy sammy’s world.

    Now surely thats better than “fat oaf”?
  • 12:15 Hunt tomorrow
    Now now herbie, it cant be the same person! Ronaldo was brilliant, whereas this bloke....
  • That fight.
    My view (and i am a massive boxing fan and boxed as an amateur...now theres an area where the judges /referees are blind....at first i thought Fury had won because he was the better boxer, but judges these days are also posed these questions:

    1) who was the aggressor.....Wilder
    2) who threw most punches....Wilder (although most missed wildly!)
    3) who if any had a knockdown...Fury down twice
    4) As a challenger, have they done enough to take the title away from the champion (and this one is crucial...its NOT asking if Wilder won or lost, but did the challenger do enough....in the terms of aggression...No!)

    Mayweather is clear when he said as a counter boxer he knew he had to box them to death to make sure he won as he wasnt throwing bombs or looking for KOs. so being a counter is risky. I think this comment summed up what happened. Fury was the better boxer but he went down twice and never looked like hurting Wilder, so on reflection Wilder was probably the winner although a draw was fair

    And for the record i bet on Fury as Wilder is not that good, which leads me to think , neither are!ewis was the last true heavyweight champion. I much prefer watching the middleweight divisions these days
  • The Carlisle System (Betting genius)
    Priceless! I personally look for a horse smiling at me and then I know...ive lost it!
  • Ante post Newbury friday
    The word about Santini was spot on and boots duly filled! Just hope i get the double ip with Nickys at Newcastle. Ive aldo done a rft with summerville boy as i just dont rate samcro
  • Ante post Newbury friday
    Joe Did it antepost ew 1,2,3 on ...was worried it was win only only and about to argue but theve paid me!
    Placed bet on Monday ante post market NOT NR no bet.
  • Newbury friday
    Feel a bit cheated that im not looking at a win treble! Severino has run into one again...i was counting my money and what was worse is one of Bens owners (not the winner) was with us and giad it had no chance! I got 4/1 on it last night as well so more annoying. Got 5/2 last night on kateson and the bookies were knocked over with katesons money. that was good giving weight. Good bet going onto Wholestone but i see TRV/Sunderland Sam has appeared to put his wife's mortgage on it so my confidence is lowered! However i think it was a bookie on Fleet Street on the Monopoly Board and he also put the iron, dog and boot on it. Have a feeling he may land on Chance and end up in jail! But i will be cheering on wholestone nonetheless!
  • Ante post Newbury friday
    just Checked...mine too! apparently paid 2 places! result. Really unlucky on severino...he just keeps running into "one" and laceys has put me well in profit...just need Wholestone and ill have had a cracking day...need it though with the price of a round here! ill have to borrow some off TRV errrr Sunderland Sam when he wins his £1/4 million on wholestone!