• Stevie Wonder
    By Allister Heath
    14th Nov 2018, 8:56 pm
    If Mrs May has her way, we will be left in the control of a hostile power

    In business and in life, contracts always come with a break clause. The rules are clear, and go to the heart of what modern, liberal Western societies consider to be natural justice.

    Either side can choose to leave; a deal that is done can also be undone; and nobody can force somebody to keep doing something they no longer want to do. A contracting party seeking to quit may have to give notice, but they cannot be forced to stay in a relationship they no longer wish to be part of. They don’t need to beg. They just need to inform the other side, and follow a set of clear, pre-agreed rules.

    This is why we can quit our jobs. We can leave our rented property. We can get a divorce, a process that will soon become even easier. We can even buy our way out of financial contracts, from mortgages to mobile phones, by paying back any money owed. We are – and remain – free, sovereign agents.

    It is her inability to understand such a basic point that makes Theresa May’s so-called Brexit deal so shocking. There are many reasons why it will be remembered for decades to come as a catastrophic failure of judgment and diplomacy, but the most immediate is that her “Withdrawal” Agreement would lock us into a subordinate relationship with the EU, with no legal way out.

    The “backstop” comes with many onerous, anti-democratic obligations, yet – astonishingly – no unilateral way to withdraw from it. You may think that Article 50 is bad enough, but this would be far worse. We would no longer be a freely contracting, sovereign nation, albeit one that is unhappily part of a ever-centralising union. Instead, we would have become a vassal, semi-autonomous state, with swathes of our public policy controlled by a hostile power, with no legal input from us whatsoever.

    Once we entered the backstop, probably in 2021 or 2022, we would be trapped, possibly until the early 2030s, during which time the EU would drag out its “trade” negotiations with us.

    We would be forced, during that time, to remain part of the customs union, and to sign up to endless EU rules to ensure a “level playing field” – in other words, to prevent us from pursuing a pro-growth, pro-free market policy to bolster our competitiveness. The Thatcherite Eurosceptic agenda would be dead, even under a new, pro‑capitalist prime minister: it would be an intolerable prison sentence.

    The Government will have signed us up to much else besides, from advanced military cooperation (with an EU that is now committed to a Euro army) to endless other ventures where we give more than we take.

    Our only recourse, were we finally to seek to leave this charade, would be to appeal to an ideologically unsympathetic arbitration panel, but we would have to prove that the EU was not acting in good faith – an impossible task. We would either have to lump it, or break away from an international treaty in an extra-legal fashion, for the first time in our modern history as a nation state.

    As an EU member, the UK has only a small share of the vote in every decision in the Council of Ministers and European Parliament; and, to make matters worse, our representatives in Brussels and Strasbourg are almost entirely disconnected from voters back home. The public has virtually no control, which is one key reason why I, and so many, voted to Leave.

    The backstop appears to allow the UK to regain its independence in a few areas, but at the cost of an even worse problem in other areas. We will end up with taxation and regulation without representation.

    This treaty will be unlike all other international agreements: a member state can leave Nato with one year’s notice, for example, and they can give notice to leave all other international bodies, as the US has recently shown with the Iran nuclear treaty. It is therefore a preposterous absurdity, a blatantly unethical deal that no UK government with any self-respect should ever consider signing up to.

    In fact, if this deal were a private contract, it would undoubtedly be deemed unenforceable by a judge. It is too one-sided, and fails the simplest test: it has no real exit mechanism. It resembles the sort of contract that people sign under duress: when the frail or the vulnerable are cajoled and coerced into rewriting their will.

    Cabinet ministers should have been given many hours to read the document, and should have been able to request the assistance of their own lawyers and policy analysts to go through every detail. The Attorney General’s advice, while useful, would never be deemed enough in ordinary commercial circumstances. If the Government were an insurance company, it would be done for mis-selling and forced to pay vast sums in compensation.

    One should never over-emphasise historic comparisons, but the Withdrawal Agreement is reminiscent of what used to be called a “treaty of submission”, or even what the Chinese dub an “unequal treaty”. These take place when a weak country capitulates to a stronger one, and surrenders power and influence to it.

    The EU hopes, presumably, to buy time, to debilitate the UK for a few years, perhaps to ensure the election of a hard-Left government, which would wreak yet more chaos in Britain.

    The EU is an empire built on technocratic power exercised by a nomenklatura; it rules via treaty and judicial activism, not by democratic consent. This is crucial: it doesn’t care about even elevated levels of dissent, as long as it retains control. It hates secessionist regimes: it even helped Spain put down its Catalonian rebellion, in an outrageous crackdown that saw opposition leaders jailed.

    Its only mission is to preserve its own territory and consolidate its control. It probably now half‑accepts that the UK will leave – but if it can keep the country subjugated, extracting cash and making sure it doesn’t become too competitive, then it will at least have preserved influence over its “near abroad”.

    Britain cannot accept this horrific, humiliating surrender. It would toxify our politics for a generation, break both main parties and encourage new, perhaps demagogic political entrepreneurs to stoke up populist sentiment. The deal is unsustainable: it doesn’t represent a workable, final settlement, and it doesn’t contain 
a plausible, politically acceptable 
path towards one. Every side will hate it and all parties will pledge to overturn it.

    What was Mrs May thinking? If they truly care about democracy and the future of this country, her MPs must reject it while there is still time.
  • calvert
    Excellent Write-up
    Really nothing to do with this site and should not be given space or time of day irrespective of ones political viewpoint. Just stick to horseracing opinions and information when you have something worthwhile to advise punters and keep political opinions to sites and forums that cater for that sort of thing.
  • Hippo
    well thought out if youre from the hard right! the biggest travesty is nearly half the country wanted to remain so it was never a CLEAR mandate! The leave camapaign was built on lies and led by a nobody (farage) who was never elected (wasnt that his beef with the EU? hmmm alright when it suits eh Nige) doesnt even live in this sceptred isle, funded illegally (note criminal charges against Leave party) and propped up by the self imposed Boris Johnson..a serial bigamist and meglamaniac. Throw in Beaverbrook and Murcdoch pact to only favourable reports for leave and rubbish remain and you have a pretty tainted campaign that if it were in the business sector would have been deemed illegal.

    Im not on a "loser" bandwaggon, i said before the ridiculous referendum (to satisy Camerons and Osbornes egos) that a clear 20% majority should be needed on such a devisive issue. instead it has split the country in two and highlightide divides in the country and agaes

    With over 90% of 70 year old plus voting leave and over 90% under 25s voting remain, a resentment has been created. The young feel the old have been selfish as they wont be about to face the consequences and the old feel have vented long held , often racist, views about the French, germans etc its referred to as "what did the Romans do for us?" syndrome!

    There is now also an intellectual divide with areas of higher education attainment voting remain and lower voting leave. Look at some of the anomalies in say Norfolk and Suffolk: one of the highest rates of unemployment in the country at the same time as having the highest rate of job vacancies in the country! yet they want rid of the migrant workers in the turkey farms and crop picking farms but do not want to do the jobs themselves! madness! ...that we will all enjoy when fruit and veg doubles in price!

    Look my view was the EU is far from perfect and has lots of faults, but while were a member, we had a say over Europe and were in a position of influence to change the eU. now we have no say whats so all.

    And look for all those chest thrusters and St george Flag wavers out there...you are delusional! the Empires gone and Thatch saw to it we have no manufacturing industries, rely on exports and anything profitable (like railways) she sold to foreign investers through her "friends" agencies. The only part of the railways we own is the Authority itself...the only LOSS making part of the Railways! We own NOTHING and now you have cut us off from the people who invested in Britain. make no mistake, have a look at the Land registry records...most of London is owned by either the Jews whos allegiance is to Israel or the Russians 9n need to explain their allegiance!). we are not in a position of power as we produce NOTHING! we have nothing to sell, even our so called expertise is largely foreign. take a walk around the City, most of the good traders and experts are foreign, the only British is daddys boys Hugo Fotheringham-Gilchrist-Ponsonby- Smyth! and they only got the job through Daddy.

    A bleak view...yes! realism...yes! So lets all be proud of a vote that was based on misinformation and lies and keep rolling out "the will of the people" and enjoy the poverty and destruction of a nation through irresponsible behaviour and the Sun! Milly Dowler should have put an end to these right wing comics and/or Hillsborough but oh no, Myrdich continues to stain this country with his right wing rhetoric.

    And before you ask...am I a fan of Labour...yes. am I fan of Corbyn...No. would he make a good prime minister...NO. i like his values but he is ineffective and will let his personal opinions rule his head. Labour need a new leader and there should be a proper investigation into the monopoly enjoyed by the right wing press.

    Mind you, Cheltenham looks good tomorrow!
  • Hippo
    Errr, i actaully agree with Bonzo but feel there is a right of reply from someone with different views
  • micky
    What worries me about the whole affair is that "the great unwashed" were manipulated by a group of offshore billionaires into thinking that what they thought they thought ... if that makes sense, à la Stevie's comment above from Heath .. (no offfence meant Stevie, as I don't know whether or not you fall into the "great unwashed" camp or the billionaires), hoping to keep their dirty, laundered money outside of the EU tax directive coming into force in 2019! LOL! That is all it was about actually when you drill down.
  • micky
    By the way, well said Hippo, succinct and to the point and blows aways their unicorns!
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