• Hippo
    Im off to Sandown on Sat and was in Lambourn this am. Lots of stuff flying around (which is usual) with many yards expecting to really pick up now we are on the run to Cheltenham. All wanting rain again too!

    Hendersons mob are very bullish about the Tolworth but i had one interesting chat with a good lad who is well informed and not a betting man. Henderson has the 1st and 2nd fav and 2 other chances (although he will probably trim to 3 max) and i asked a genuine question...How far is Champ behind or in front of his two favs and the guy rubbed his chain for ages and in typical Irish way ummmmed and arrrrrhhhhed and said "look, Champ is improving at a rate of knots and is probably ahead of the other two in raw ability AND what theyve all shown on the racecourse. I asked who win win now between the 3 and no gap....CHAMP!

    Now Champ is a good horse and has shown it but he only beat Brewing Up a Storm by 4l with Brewin receiving an exaggerated hold up ride in a race with no pace. He would have been much closer given a better ride. They were both off 11-7. So what you ask? well have a look at the betting for the Ballymore at Chelt:

    Champ 5/1
    Ratthill 20/1
    Birchdale 25/1

    betting for Tolworth?

    Ratthill 7/4
    Birchdale 4/1
    Brewinupastorm 20/1!

    this has to be an ew bet and Ive had a reasonable chunk ew and praying Murphy doesnt cry off as it has a 5/1 chance NOT 20/1 in my tissue

    Just a thought!
  • Hippo
    20/1 with Sky or Unibet
  • Dadeo
    I have read this twice, are you backing Rathill or Brewinupastorm?
  • Hippo
    Brewingupastorm. its unbelievable value and the sort of bet i love. A 5/1 shot running at 20/1 with a real chance of beating Ratthill through Champ
  • Dadeo
  • Hippo
    Yes, I was having issues putting the bet on and then it wouldnt let me! Close escape. Thank goodness I hadnt spotted it earlier! But Ill store this and I think it must be a good thing wherever it runs
  • FLA
    Keep is informed when it runs hippo . Thanks
  • Hippo
    Unibet have refunded any bets on it made today, which i think is pretty decent of them. I think Murphy should be hauled in front of the stewards for misleading the public. Nothing on his multiple blogs til that sky announcement.
  • Mugz
    Still in betting with some bookies for Tolworth.
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