• brian1147
    thanks for the comments on 'all the ratings' thread yesterday, there were are few winners because
    of the amount of favs. that won.
    Most of my winnings come from favs so i developed the ratings to try and weed out the false favs.
    There's only one today that meets my good bet status a 1/3 shot i wont be bothering with that.
  • Dadeo
    It Won
  • brian1147
    Although the val is a bit high The White Mouse looks a solid enough fav. (took 2.14 early)
    Of the two bonbonniere and darling du large (coming from connections in form) the latter
    is attracting support and would seem to be the danger.

    NAME                 PSP   WGT   TS    RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   CLASS  RATING VAL 
    the white mouse......1.5...160...100...133.. 120 .2.14..2.14..8.73... 114 ..11.9  .
    dame du soir.........6.....154...25....112.. 94 ..4.6...4.6...6.1.... 97 ...8.7  ..
    darling du large.....7.5...154...54....00... 56 ..5.5...5.5...9.62... 58 ...3.6  ..
    pure affection.......13....154...40....00... 54 ..14....14....4.74... 54 ...8.7  ..
    rollercoster.........17....154...14....99... 86 ..44....44....5.56... 86 ...22.7  .
    bonbonniere..........26....154...50....61... 73 ..34....34....7.91... 73 ...2.9  ..
    see forever..........26....154...50....98... 85 ..25....25....8.73... 86 ...32.4  .
    shaws dilemma........26....154...25....00... 53 ..140...140...5.12... 52 ...15.1  .
    jessica rabbit.......51....154...50....77... 78 ..100...100...6.44... 78 ...20.6  .
    viva la vega.........67....154...25....73... 76 ..999...999...6.04... 76 ...56.7  .
  • brian1147
    two 14+ clear of rivals
    bets 1 lost 1 p/l-1

    NAME                 PSP   WGT   TS    RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   RATING VAL 
    st peters basilica...1.90..128...100...88... 90 ..2.28..2.16.. 88 ...3  ....
    fury and fire........5.5...128...100...00... 49 ..11....14.5.. 45 ...12.9  .
    turn to rock.........5.5...128...75....00... 49 ..3.55..3.65.. 52 ...8.4  ..
    shug.................11....128...75....69... 69 ..17.5..18.... 68 ...5  ....
    derry boy............15....128...60....61... 65 ..16....13.5.. 66 ...5.4  ..
    bequest..............17....123...00....00... 43 ..19....21.... 43 ...6.4  ..
    the man of mode......26....128...38....48... 60 ..42....48.... 60 ...12.9  .
    NAME                 PSP   WGT   TS    RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   RATING VAL   
    vandella.............1.90..120...100...85... 86 ..1.6...1.48.. 92 ...5.9  ..
    capriolette..........5.....140...75....76... 79 ..13....13.... 75 ...9.7  ..
    red fedora...........9.....120...25....00... 44 ..12.5..13.5.. 43 ...12.5  .
    yvette...............12....120...50....49... 59 ..19....28.... 58 ...10.4  .
    perfect grace........13....120...76....64... 64 ..14.5..16.5.. 64 ...8  ....
    tanzerin.............13....120...67....00... 43 ..28....32.... 41 ...16.8  .
    loch lady............17....120...50....62... 63 ..32....50.... 62 ...8.8  ..
    gold fleece..........21....120...100...56... 60 ..29....42.... 60 ...9.7  ..
    mrs meader...........26....120...27....64... 63 ..80....140... 62 ...12.9  .
    breakfast time.......41....120...76....48... 57 ..65....55.... 57 ...9.4  ..
    evie may.............41....120...30....36... 53 ..60....110... 53 ...19.4  .
    puzzle cache.........67....140...63....00... 47 ..85....190... 47 ...17.6  .
  • brian1147
    A winner at 1/1 yesterday, thankfully the odds on vandella (4/9).(1/2 will be the cutoff.
    point classed as a loser.)
    bets 3 wins 1 lost 2 p/l -1

    NAME                 PSP   WGT   TS    RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   CLASS  RATING VAL 
    jahbath..............2.....133...67....99... 94 ..1.64..1.64..3...... 99 ...2.4  ..
    coolagh forest.......3.75..122...68....101.. 83 ..4.1...5.3...3...... 81 ...3.8  ..
    balance of power.....5.....121...00....97... 79 ..NR....NR....6...... 73 ...4.4  ..
    whenapoet............8.....114...48....100.. 76 ..6.4*..4.9*..6...... 79 ...4.1  ..
  • brian1147
    3 possibles today .

    NAME                 PSP   WGT   TS    RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   CLASS  RATING VAL 
    alkaamel.............2.25..130...57....87... 87 ..1.76..1.79..4.8.... 92 ...3.2  ..
    fayetta..............5.....131...80....79... 77 ..7.6...7.....5.91... 76 ...4.7  ..
    curfewed.............6.....133...67....80... 77 ..15....18.5..2.57... 74 ...7  ....
    spirit kingdom.......7.....126...67....83... 74 ..27x...29x...6.89... 72 ...7.2  ..
    joza.................11....130...00....84... 74 ..19....27....3.75... 73 ...13  ...
    so hi storm..........13....127...31....79... 71 ..7.2...6.2...5.94... 75 ...6  ....
    quduraat.............21....124...54....77... 69 ..27....30....5.61... 69 ...10.3  .
    NAME                 PSP   WGT   TS    RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   CLASS  RATING VAL 
    storm goddess........1.61..152...35....130.. 115 .1.61..1.55..4.9.... 117 ..4.9  ..
    ninth wave...........4.....159...58....113.. 99 ..4.2...4.....3.75... 100 ..4.2  ..
    getaway mission......7.....159...45....00... 58 ..32....34....5.96... 55 ...5.2  ..
    manofthemountain.....17....159...43....99... 88 ..44....42....8.2.... 88 ...3.1  ..
    lizs dream...........21....152...75....109.. 89 ..8.8...17....1.58... 90 ...5.2  ..
    NAME                 PSP   WGT   TS    RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   CLASS  RATING VAL   
    alkaamel.............2.25..130...57....87... 87 ..1.79..1.79..4.8.... 92 ...3.2  ..
    fayetta..............5.....131...80....79... 77 ..7.....7.....5.91... 76 ...4.7  ..
    curfewed.............6.....133...67....80... 77 ..18.5..18.5..2.57... 74 ...7  ....
    spirit kingdom.......7.....126...67....83... 74 ..29x...29x...6.89... 72 ...7.2  ..
    joza.................11....130...00....84... 74 ..27....27....3.75... 73 ...13  ...
    so hi storm..........13....127...31....79... 71 ..6.2...6.2...5.94... 75 ...6  ....
    quduraat.............21....124...54....77... 69 ..30....30....5.61... 69 ...10.3  .
  • brian1147
    should only be 2, had an aged moment.
    previous results
    bets 4 wins 2 p/l -0.46
  • brian1147
    bets 5 wins 3 p/l +0.3

    3 possibles today of the 3 the first race barring price drop would be a definite.
    the second race looks the strongest, unfortunately the price reflects this.
    the third race doubt would be the number of runners.

    NAME                 PSP   WGT   TS    RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   CLASS  RATING VAL 
    nubough..............1.90..124...50....83... 87 ..1.6...1.61..5.96... 91 ...4.9  ..
    antonia clara........4.5...119...83....80... 74 ..NR....NR....7.17... 67 ...4.2  ..
    vrai.................5.5...119...50....76... 71 ..5.5...5.8...6.1.... 71 ...6.1  ..
    snooze button........13....140...50....00... 49 ..13.5..12.5..4.54... 50 ...9.2  ..
    haader...............17....140...35....70... 72 ..17.5..26....4.46... 72 ...7.3  ..
    twpsyn...............17....124...58....72... 67 ..20....20....4.37... 68 ...10.3  .
    beyond the fringe....34....135...48....45... 61 ..40....29....5.87... 62 ...7.5  ..
    platinum coast.......34....119...63....44... 55 ..42....18....7.07... 57 ...15.1  .
    NAME                 PSP   WGT   TS    RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   CLASS  RATING VAL
    dynamite dollars.....1.25..159...43....169.. 136 .1.33*.1.35*.9.82... 135 ..2.2  ..
    ballywood............4.5...151...67....154.. 109 .5.....4.8...6.29... 110 ..2.7  ..
    ravenhill road.......17....154...92....154.. 105 .19.5*.18.5*.2.16... 106 ..4.4  ..
    shady oaks...........51....154...33....142.. 99 ..85....120...6.24... 100 ..9.8  ..
    NAME                 PSP   WGT   TS    RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   CLASS  RATING VAL 
    raya time............2.37..166...50....122.. 110 .2.02..1.93..5.5.... 114 ..6.8  ..
    fauguernon...........3.75..164...70....00... 64 ..6.8...8.....5.37... 59 ...25.3  .
    authorizo............5.5...150...43....00... 56 ..14....10.5..5.14... 54 ...10.1  .
    stones and roses.....10....164...50....104.. 93 ..8.8...8.6...4.23... 94 ...5.4  ..
    dalton highway.......15....166...50....00... 58 ..12....13.5..7.78... 58 ...12.6  .
    lucias bob...........15....143...50....116.. 89 ..100...70....4.64... 88 ...9.8  ..
    tashman..............15....150...47....111.. 89 ..100x..110x..2.08... 88 ...22.1  .
    aunty audrey.........26....157...67....105.. 89 ..140*..NR*...4.45... 88 ...44.3  .
    sky marshal..........34....164...64....91... 86 ..150x..75x...2.81... 86 ...11.8  .
    bronson in blue......41....166...47....97... 88 ..170...100...0.26... 89 ...27.2  .
    captain courageous...41....166...47....87... 85 ..170...220...3.64... 85 ...70.9  .
    no way jack..........41....166...17....98... 89 ..100x..160x..1.92... 89 ...25.3  .
    king alex............51....164...100...00... 55 ..23....100...6.25... 56 ...29.5  .
    mishope..............51....143...50....00... 48 ..160...230...2.83... 48 ...354  ..
    stephenstown.........51....164...00....87... 84 ..100...150...7.84... 85 ...27.2  .
    blankiedoodie........67....166...63....00... 56 ..190x..NRx...4.25... 56 ...18.6  .
    elusive intrusive....67....143...50....82... 75 ..230...290...3.83... 76 ...32.2  .
    luis van zandt.......67....164...33....81... 82 ..170...290...3.21... 83 ...20.8  .
    cloughmoylepatriot...101...166...40....24... 64 ..999...999...0...... 64 ...118  ..
    go hard or go home...101...166...100...00... 56 ..230...230...3.13... 56 ...88.6  .
    semper fidelis.......101...159...00....86... 82 ..85....150...3.93... 83 ...50.6  .
  • brian1147
    2 short priced winners, and an oversized field. decided on a non-runner day yesterday.
    have backed both of these early .
    bets 5 wins 3 p/l +0.3
    NAME                 PSP   WGT   TS    RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   CLASS  RATING VAL   
    danboru..............2.5...166...35....102.. 103 .2.72..2.72..8.12... 103 ..4.9  ..
    young phoenix........4.....161...29....00... 62 ..3.85..3.85..6...... 63 ...13.7  .
    highland peak........7.....156...00....96... 89 ..12....12....0...... 88 ...15.7  .
    scorpo...............7.....146...00....102.. 87 ..9.2...9.2...3.21... 87 ...7  ....
    bisoubisou...........11....155...00....00... 55 ..13.5..13.5..6.59... 55 ...5.5  ..
    sory.................17....140...00....00... 49 ..16.5x.16.5x.2.5.... 49 ...7.1  ..
    two hoots............17....145...33....108.. 86 ..11.5..11.5..4.35... 88 ...6.5  ..
    bertielicious........34....140...100...98... 80 ..29....29....1.37... 81 ...8.5  ..
    rapid fritz..........34....140...00....103.. 82 ..65x...65x...3.67... 82 ...15  ...
    NAME                 PSP   WGT   TS    RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   CLASS  RATING VAL   RESULT
    espoir dallen........2.....162...50....166.. 126 .1.58*.1.58*.7.49... 132 ..2.8  ..
    wicklow brave........4.....155...46....164.. 115 .5.7...5.7...2.09... 113 ..3.8  ..
    tombstone............4.5...155...47....166.. 114 .7.....7.....3.76... 113 ..5  ....
    forge meadow.........11....155...50....163.. 109 .14.5x.14.5x.4.1.... 109 ..3.7  ..
    jarob................26....155...00....149.. 103 .110...110...0.54... 103 ..16.7  .
  • brian1147
    danboru on the drift will be looking to trade.
  • brian1147
    managed to trade 1.72
  • brian1147
    Only one today, taking the bf early price.

    NAME                 PSP   WGT   TS    RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   CLASS  RATING VAL  
    pym..................1.66..162...63....141.. 121 .1.6...1.65..7.4.... 122 ..3.8  ..
    manvers house........6.....155...38....131.. 101 .5.5...5.4...3.79... 103 ..11.9  .
    joyrider.............7.....155...62....00... 56 ..13.5..17.5..7.06... 54 ...6.4  ..
    mystical clouds......11....162...65....128.. 100 .26....24....7.74... 99 ...6.1  ..
    the cashel man.......11....155...63....00... 55 ..11.5..12....6.75... 55 ...5.9  ..
    northern bound.......15....162...59....117.. 95 ..44....30....5.03... 95 ...11.1  .
    dreyfus..............26....155...60....117.. 92 ..120...150...7.34... 92 ...10.7  .
    ablaze...............101...148...14....105.. 85 ..250...650...5.23... 85 ...15.5  .
    hugos reflection.....101...155...30....105.. 87 ..280...250...5.73... 88 ...16.3  .
  • brian1147
    last for this month

    NAME                 PSP   WGT   TS    RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   CLASS  RATING VAL  
    american graffiti....1.5...128...100...89... 95 ..1.54..1.54..7.77... 95 ...2.7  ..
    william mckinley.....6.5...128...100...00... 48 ..5.9...5.9...5.48... 49 ...5.2  ..
    red bond.............7.....128...50....82... 75 ..6.6...7.2...4.66... 75 ...5.4  ..
    al daayen............10....123...53....00... 44 ..29....32....0...... 42 ...7.9  ..
    shaleelas dream......15....128...38....00... 45 ..65....44....5.13... 44 ...9.3  ..
    cardano..............21....128...43....00... 44 ..48....46....5.13... 44 ...8.5  ..
    redemptress..........101...123...20....37... 54 ..260...270...4.7.... 54 ...18.1 ..
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