• Rodeo
    Doing a Win Yanks and a e/w Accumalator. + Singles. gl all Today. Small stakes big Winnings. :wink:

    1.30-Asdaa 2/1 win - joe fannings only ride today.#:wink:
    1.40 Cat Tiger- 13/8 Win bit of a family thing goin on here, jock/owner etc .and trained by the great man himeself-P Nichols :rofl:
    2.10- Ede'iffs Elton- 13/2 e/w very tuff race just got a sneaky feeling about this one.nothing too do that my poorly Niece is called Edie.#:yum:
    3.10 Ruby Yeats -5/1 e/w bet this a few times n been crap but now i think its got the ground it needs and today can at least place . we will see.:smile:

    ladbrokes b.o.g. :cool:
  • Rodeo
    2nd :sad:
    1st :starstruck:
    2nd 11/1 :starstruck:
    pu :meh:
  • Rodeo
    tx u miserable fks . how can this board still keep goin, without us working together . n not all mulis fk ruining it, ogh well fkd if im posting again .only for ttc and tippimg championship . I bet You lr#et u handful on here can keep this once was a treat come in look for tips. all gone that aint it lol

    can anyone recommend a Descent BUSY atmoshered Group out there.where theres no dik eds etc .please inbox me , i need join ....A good one thats busy not kjust 5/6 if that lol posts a dayIts that .pointless me posting.lol altho i have been doin ok this last year .lol .Pointless me e being here lolol . i struggle too type at times .. anyway gl u guys who run this joint now ... all be good lmfao the fun days av gone .
  • Fuzzybear1649140
    R me ole mukker. Just read yer post. I know it’s a pisser at times but why not just post here for your own satisfaction regardless of whether anyone acknowledges when you have winners. I know it’s not l8ke old days when the likes of the duke would post (toname but one) and the board was a lot more active. :sad: we have had a great share of spoilers on here too, but keep posting buddy and enjoy when you win. I’m not talking from my pocket as I very rarely follow any tips, just dont want to see more gooduns leave
  • calvert
    Please keep posting Rodeo its appreciated by some.
  • peregrine
    Yes rodeo carry on posting pal I can't post everyday but contribute when I see something worth mentioning.whether they are good or bad.:roll:
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