• brian1147
    from a method that has produced approx. 50% winners from about
    90 runners a month

    here 2,55 all shook up......2.88
    layt 2.50 business..........2.84
    layt 3.20 war hero..........3.55
    layt 4.20 dalvey............2.78

    singles only. (for now)
  • malcolm

    Cheers m8 will watch with keen interest :up:
  • brian1147
    not a good start 4 losers

    exet 1.55 hitman................2.24
    fair 12.15 rightplacerightime...3.95
    fair 12.45 stealthy tom.........2.72
    ling 4.05 master grey...........7.00

    running total -4 pts
  • brian1147
    would seem to have made an error copying down part of the selection program, one was easy to
    master gray was 10 on betfair which was way over the upper limit.
    hitman is not so easy to spot.
    the results should read
    all shook up.........3.75..166...100...00... 64 ..4.....2.88..50..... 67 ...1.55 ..2nd ..5/2J    
    business.............2.87..143...70....75... 84 ..2.8...2.84..50..... 84 ...0.60 ..4th ..6/4     
    war hero.............3.25..143...64....76... 83 ..2.74x.3.55x.25..... 82 ...4.00 ..4th ..9/4F    
    dalvey...............3.....168...83....44... 82 ..3.1*..2.78*.25..... 83 ...3.98 ..4th ..7/4     
    rightplacerightime...3.....168...00....119.. 107 .3.95x.2.7x..25..... 108 ..3.53 ..1st ..6/5F    
    stealthy tom.........3.25..167...98....112.. 103 .2.72..3.3...50..... 103 ..1.77 ..6th ..9/4F    
    total bets     6 
    Total wins     1 
    Total returns  2.7 
    profit/loss   -3.3
    Only one today.
    muss 12.50 cousin oscar.........4
  • brian1147
    two for today.
    sedg 1.12 brother pat..........4.2*
    thur 2.55 idas boy.............2.34
    results so far 
    all shook up.........3.75..166...100...00... 64 ..4.....2.88..50..... 67 ...1.55 ..2nd ..5/2J    
    business.............2.87..143...70....75... 84 ..2.8...2.84..50..... 84 ...0.60 ..4th ..6/4     
    war hero.............3.25..143...64....76... 83 ..2.74x.3.55x.25..... 82 ...4.00 ..4th ..9/4F    
    dalvey...............3.....168...83....44... 82 ..3.1*..2.78*.25..... 83 ...3.98 ..4th ..7/4     
    rightplacerightime...3.....168...00....119.. 107 .3.95x.2.7x..25..... 108 ..3.53 ..1st ..6/5F    
    stealthy tom.........3.25..167...98....112.. 103 .2.72..3.3...50..... 103 ..1.77 ..6th ..9/4F    
    cousin oscar.........2.62..166...117...120.. 108 .4*....4*....50..... 104 ..1.85 ..4th ..2/1     
    total bets     7 
    Total wins     1 
    Total returns  2.7 
    profit/loss   -4.3 
  • brian1147
    four today
    dund 3.45 collective power....3.05
    hexh 1.00 esme shelby.........3.4
    newc 3.30 zaajirah............2.94
    warw 1.25 complete unknown....4.3
    results so far.
    all shook up.........3.75..166...100...00... 64 ..4.....2.88..50..... 67 ...1.55 ..2nd ..5/2J    
    business.............2.87..143...70....75... 84 ..2.8...2.84..50..... 84 ...0.60 ..4th ..6/4     
    war hero.............3.25..143...64....76... 83 ..2.74x.3.55x.25..... 82 ...4.00 ..4th ..9/4F    
    dalvey...............3.....168...83....44... 82 ..3.1*..2.78*.25..... 83 ...3.98 ..4th ..7/4     
    rightplacerightime...3.....168...00....119.. 107 .3.95x.2.7x..25..... 108 ..3.53 ..1st ..6/5F    
    stealthy tom.........3.25..167...98....112.. 103 .2.72..3.3...50..... 103 ..1.77 ..6th ..9/4F    
    cousin oscar.........2.62..166...117...120.. 108 .4*....4*....50..... 104 ..1.85 ..4th ..2/1     
    brother pat..........2.75..161...110...122.. 106 .3.85*.4.2*..25..... 102 ..5.04 ..1st ..9/4F    
    idas boy.............3.75..160...00....131.. 106 .2.9...2.34..25..... 111 ..5.65 ..1st ..8/11F   
    total bets     9 
    Total wins     3 
    Total returns  9.2 
    profit/loss    0.2 
  • brian1147
    todays selections:-
    aint 2.33 our jet..............4.6
    naas 2.30 eric bloodaxe........2.3
    winc 1.15 knappers hill........1.25
    winc 4.05 fame and fun.........3.25
    results so far
    all shook up.........3.75..166...100...00... 64 ..4.....2.88..50..... 67 ...1.55 ..2nd ..5/2J    
    business.............2.87..143...70....75... 84 ..2.8...2.84..50..... 84 ...0.60 ..4th ..6/4     
    war hero.............3.25..143...64....76... 83 ..2.74x.3.55x.25..... 82 ...4.00 ..4th ..9/4F    
    dalvey...............3.....168...83....44... 82 ..3.1*..2.78*.25..... 83 ...3.98 ..4th ..7/4     
    rightplacerightime...3.....168...00....119.. 107 .3.95x.2.7x..25..... 108 ..3.53 ..1st ..6/5F    
    stealthy tom.........3.25..167...98....112.. 103 .2.72..3.3...50..... 103 ..1.77 ..6th ..9/4F    
    cousin oscar.........2.62..166...117...120.. 108 .4*....4*....50..... 104 ..1.85 ..4th ..2/1     
    brother pat..........2.75..161...110...122.. 106 .3.85*.4.2*..25..... 102 ..5.04 ..1st ..9/4F    
    idas boy.............3.75..160...00....131.. 106 .2.9...2.34..25..... 111 ..5.65 ..1st ..8/11F   
    collective power.....3.5...133...62....78... 80 ..2.98..3.05..25..... 81 ...5.39 ..1st ..2/1F    
    esme shelby..........2.37..162...95....106.. 103 .3.45..3.4...25..... 99 ...4.71 ..2nd ..9/4F    
    zaajirah.............3.25..138...86....92... 87 ..3.15..2.94..50..... 88 ...3.73 ..3rd ..11/4F   
    complete unknown.....3.....152...00....00... 62 ..3.45..4.3...50..... 58 ...2.51 ..3rd ..2/1F    
    total bets     13 
    Total wins     4 
    Total returns  12.2 
    profit/loss   -0.8 
  • brian1147
    todays selections:-
    nava 3,55 gringo daubrelle.....1.83
    sand 12.30 beauport............4.2
    sand 2.10 chantry house........1.43
    sand 2.10 the big breakaway....3.3
    results so far.
    all shook up.........3.75..166...100...00... 64 ..4.....2.88..50..... 67 ...1.55 ..2nd ..5/2J    
    business.............2.87..143...70....75... 84 ..2.8...2.84..50..... 84 ...0.60 ..4th ..6/4     
    war hero.............3.25..143...64....76... 83 ..2.74x.3.55x.25..... 82 ...4.00 ..4th ..9/4F    
    dalvey...............3.....168...83....44... 82 ..3.1*..2.78*.25..... 83 ...3.98 ..4th ..7/4     
    rightplacerightime...3.....168...00....119.. 107 .3.95x.2.7x..25..... 108 ..3.53 ..1st ..6/5F    
    stealthy tom.........3.25..167...98....112.. 103 .2.72..3.3...50..... 103 ..1.77 ..6th ..9/4F    
    cousin oscar.........2.62..166...117...120.. 108 .4*....4*....50..... 104 ..1.85 ..4th ..2/1     
    brother pat..........2.75..161...110...122.. 106 .3.85*.4.2*..25..... 102 ..5.04 ..1st ..9/4F    
    idas boy.............3.75..160...00....131.. 106 .2.9...2.34..25..... 111 ..5.65 ..1st ..8/11F   
    collective power.....3.5...133...62....78... 80 ..2.98..3.05..25..... 81 ...5.39 ..1st ..2/1F    
    esme shelby..........2.37..162...95....106.. 103 .3.45..3.4...25..... 99 ...4.71 ..2nd ..9/4F    
    zaajirah.............3.25..138...86....92... 87 ..3.15..2.94..50..... 88 ...3.73 ..3rd ..11/4F   
    complete unknown.....3.....152...00....00... 62 ..3.45..4.3...50..... 58 ...2.51 ..3rd ..2/1F    
    our jet..............3.75..152...00....00... 60 ..6.6...4.6...25..... 58 ...4.83 ..2nd ..7/2     
    eric bloodaxe........1.8...168...00....00... 75 ..2.52..2.32..25..... 70 ...2.15 ..1st ..5/4F    
    knappers hill........1.4...158...00....131.. 120 .1.26..1.25..50..... 123 ..0.30 ..1st ..1/10F   
    fame and fun.........3.....154...00....00... 62 ..3.5...3.25..50..... 62 ...3.48 ..6th ..5/2J    
    total bets     17 
    Total wins     6 
    Total returns  15.7 
    profit/loss   -1.3 
  • brian1147
    todays selections.
    carl 2.40 captain biggles......2.64
    kemp 3.30 lilly pedlar.........4.2*
    wolv 2.50 tricolore............3.2
    results so far
    all shook up.........3.75..166...100...00... 64 ..4.....2.88..50..... 67 ...1.55 ..2nd ..5/2J    
    business.............2.87..143...70....75... 84 ..2.8...2.84..50..... 84 ...0.60 ..4th ..6/4     
    war hero.............3.25..143...64....76... 83 ..2.74x.3.55x.25..... 82 ...4.00 ..4th ..9/4F    
    dalvey...............3.....168...83....44... 82 ..3.1*..2.78*.25..... 83 ...3.98 ..4th ..7/4     
    rightplacerightime...3.....168...00....119.. 107 .3.95x.2.7x..25..... 108 ..3.53 ..1st ..6/5F    
    stealthy tom.........3.25..167...98....112.. 103 .2.72..3.3...50..... 103 ..1.77 ..6th ..9/4F    
    cousin oscar.........2.62..166...117...120.. 108 .4*....4*....50..... 104 ..1.85 ..4th ..2/1     
    brother pat..........2.75..161...110...122.. 106 .3.85*.4.2*..25..... 102 ..5.04 ..1st ..9/4F    
    idas boy.............3.75..160...00....131.. 106 .2.9...2.34..25..... 111 ..5.65 ..1st ..8/11F   
    collective power.....3.5...133...62....78... 80 ..2.98..3.05..25..... 81 ...5.39 ..1st ..2/1F    
    esme shelby..........2.37..162...95....106.. 103 .3.45..3.4...25..... 99 ...4.71 ..2nd ..9/4F    
    zaajirah.............3.25..138...86....92... 87 ..3.15..2.94..50..... 88 ...3.73 ..3rd ..11/4F   
    complete unknown.....3.....152...00....00... 62 ..3.45..4.3...50..... 58 ...2.51 ..3rd ..2/1F    
    our jet..............3.75..152...00....00... 60 ..6.6...4.6...25..... 58 ...4.83 ..2nd ..7/2     
    eric bloodaxe........1.8...168...00....00... 75 ..2.52..2.32..25..... 70 ...2.15 ..1st ..5/4F    
    knappers hill........1.4...158...00....131.. 120 .1.26..1.25..50..... 123 ..0.30 ..1st ..1/10F   
    fame and fun.........3.....154...00....00... 62 ..3.5...3.25..50..... 62 ...3.48 ..6th ..5/2J    
    gringo daubrelle.....2.62..170...00....99... 102 .2.08..1.83..50..... 108 ..1.1 ...1st ..4/6F    
    beauport.............4.....168...131...135.. 109 .4.3*..4.2*..25..... 109 ..2.10 ..2nd ..2/1F    
    chantry house........1.36..162...162...173.. 136 .1.38*.1.43*.50..... 135 ..1.1 ...1st ..2/7F    
    the big breakaway....3.25..156...148...164.. 117 .3.5...3.3...25..... 117 ..3.91 ..2nd ..5/2     
    total bets     21 
    Total wins     8 
    Total returns  18.9 
    profit/loss   -2.1 
    "the big breakaway" should not have been selected, was left in by error.
  • brian1147
    todays selections.
    here 2.22 nevilles cross.......2.46
    hunt 12.30 theatre glory.......2.24
    hunt 1.30 takeit easy..........2.82*
    hunt 2.00 no comment...........3...
    ling 3.05 siroco jo............1.81
    results so far
    all shook up.........3.75..166...100...00... 64 ..4.....2.88..50..... 67 ...1.55 ..2nd ..5/2J    
    business.............2.87..143...70....75... 84 ..2.8...2.84..50..... 84 ...0.60 ..4th ..6/4     
    war hero.............3.25..143...64....76... 83 ..2.74x.3.55x.25..... 82 ...4.00 ..4th ..9/4F    
    dalvey...............3.....168...83....44... 82 ..3.1*..2.78*.25..... 83 ...3.98 ..4th ..7/4     
    rightplacerightime...3.....168...00....119.. 107 .3.95x.2.7x..25..... 108 ..3.53 ..1st ..6/5F    
    stealthy tom.........3.25..167...98....112.. 103 .2.72..3.3...50..... 103 ..1.77 ..6th ..9/4F    
    cousin oscar.........2.62..166...117...120.. 108 .4*....4*....50..... 104 ..1.85 ..4th ..2/1     
    brother pat..........2.75..161...110...122.. 106 .3.85*.4.2*..25..... 102 ..5.04 ..1st ..9/4F    
    idas boy.............3.75..160...00....131.. 106 .2.9...2.34..25..... 111 ..5.65 ..1st ..8/11F   
    collective power.....3.5...133...62....78... 80 ..2.98..3.05..25..... 81 ...5.39 ..1st ..2/1F    
    esme shelby..........2.37..162...95....106.. 103 .3.45..3.4...25..... 99 ...4.71 ..2nd ..9/4F    
    zaajirah.............3.25..138...86....92... 87 ..3.15..2.94..50..... 88 ...3.73 ..3rd ..11/4F   
    complete unknown.....3.....152...00....00... 62 ..3.45..4.3...50..... 58 ...2.51 ..3rd ..2/1F    
    our jet..............3.75..152...00....00... 60 ..6.6...4.6...25..... 58 ...4.83 ..2nd ..7/2     
    eric bloodaxe........1.8...168...00....00... 75 ..2.52..2.32..25..... 70 ...2.15 ..1st ..5/4F    
    knappers hill........1.4...158...00....131.. 120 .1.26..1.25..50..... 123 ..0.30 ..1st ..1/10F   
    fame and fun.........3.....154...00....00... 62 ..3.5...3.25..50..... 62 ...3.48 ..6th ..5/2J    
    gringo daubrelle.....2.62..170...00....99... 102 .2.08..1.83..50..... 108 ..1.1 ...1st ..4/6F    
    beauport.............4.....168...131...135.. 109 .4.3*..4.2*..25..... 109 ..2.10 ..2nd ..2/1F    
    chantry house........1.36..162...162...173.. 136 .1.38*.1.43*.50..... 135 ..1.1 ...1st ..2/7F    
    the big breakaway....3.25..156...148...164.. 117 .3.5...3.3...25..... 117 ..3.91 ..2nd ..5/2     
    captain biggles......3.....166...118...123.. 107 .2.9...2.64..25..... 109 ..4.78 ..2nd ..6/4F    
    lilly pedlar.........2.75..166...123...00... 67 ..4.4*..4.2*..25..... 63 ...3.83 ..PU  ..13/8F   
    tricolore............4.....130...83....99... 85 ..3.3...3.2...25..... 87 ...2.60 ..7th ..2/1F    
    total bets     24 
    Total wins     8 
    Total returns  18.9 
    profit/loss   -5.1
    About 3pts down on this point last month, no panic (YET!!)
  • brian1147
    todays selections.
    exet 2.10 tulin................4.1
    exet 2.40 gallyhill............3.05
    results so far.
    all shook up.........3.75..166...100...00... 64 ..4.....2.88..50..... 67 ...1.55 ..2nd ..5/2J    
    business.............2.87..143...70....75... 84 ..2.8...2.84..50..... 84 ...0.60 ..4th ..6/4     
    war hero.............3.25..143...64....76... 83 ..2.74x.3.55x.25..... 82 ...4.00 ..4th ..9/4F    
    dalvey...............3.....168...83....44... 82 ..3.1*..2.78*.25..... 83 ...3.98 ..4th ..7/4     
    rightplacerightime...3.....168...00....119.. 107 .3.95x.2.7x..25..... 108 ..3.53 ..1st ..6/5F    
    stealthy tom.........3.25..167...98....112.. 103 .2.72..3.3...50..... 103 ..1.77 ..6th ..9/4F    
    cousin oscar.........2.62..166...117...120.. 108 .4*....4*....50..... 104 ..1.85 ..4th ..2/1     
    brother pat..........2.75..161...110...122.. 106 .3.85*.4.2*..25..... 102 ..5.04 ..1st ..9/4F    
    idas boy.............3.75..160...00....131.. 106 .2.9...2.34..25..... 111 ..5.65 ..1st ..8/11F   
    collective power.....3.5...133...62....78... 80 ..2.98..3.05..25..... 81 ...5.39 ..1st ..2/1F    
    esme shelby..........2.37..162...95....106.. 103 .3.45..3.4...25..... 99 ...4.71 ..2nd ..9/4F    
    zaajirah.............3.25..138...86....92... 87 ..3.15..2.94..50..... 88 ...3.73 ..3rd ..11/4F   
    complete unknown.....3.....152...00....00... 62 ..3.45..4.3...50..... 58 ...2.51 ..3rd ..2/1F    
    our jet..............3.75..152...00....00... 60 ..6.6...4.6...25..... 58 ...4.83 ..2nd ..7/2     
    eric bloodaxe........1.8...168...00....00... 75 ..2.52..2.32..25..... 70 ...2.15 ..1st ..5/4F    
    knappers hill........1.4...158...00....131.. 120 .1.26..1.25..50..... 123 ..0.30 ..1st ..1/10F   
    fame and fun.........3.....154...00....00... 62 ..3.5...3.25..50..... 62 ...3.48 ..6th ..5/2J    
    gringo daubrelle.....2.62..170...00....99... 102 .2.08..1.83..50..... 108 ..1.1 ...1st ..4/6F    
    beauport.............4.....168...131...135.. 109 .4.3*..4.2*..25..... 109 ..2.10 ..2nd ..2/1F    
    chantry house........1.36..162...162...173.. 136 .1.38*.1.43*.50..... 135 ..1.1 ...1st ..2/7F    
    the big breakaway....3.25..156...148...164.. 117 .3.5...3.3...25..... 117 ..3.91 ..2nd ..5/2     
    captain biggles......3.....166...118...123.. 107 .2.9...2.64..25..... 109 ..4.78 ..2nd ..6/4F    
    lilly pedlar.........2.75..166...123...00... 67 ..4.4*..4.2*..25..... 63 ...3.83 ..PU  ..13/8F   
    tricolore............4.....130...83....99... 85 ..3.3...3.2...25..... 87 ...2.60 ..7th ..2/1F    
    nevilles cross.......2.1...166...133...141.. 118 .2.42..2.46..25..... 116 ..3.23 ..1st ..6/4     
    theatre glory........1.90..152...00....00... 68 ..2.24..2.24..50..... 66 ...1.20 ..1st ..13/8    
    takeit easy..........3.75..165...134...146.. 113 .3.5*..2.82*.25..... 115 ..2.85 ..2nd ..13/8F   
    no comment...........2.62..155...123...143.. 112 .3.35..3.....25..... 110 ..3.83 ..1st ..2/1     
    siroco jo............2.....150...116...139.. 113 .1.7...1.81..50..... 115 ..1.1 ...4th ..8/13F   
    total bets     29 
    Total wins     11 
    Total returns  26.5 
    profit/loss   -2.5 
  • brian1147
    royal rendezvous.....3.85....25
    bold getaway.........2.36....25

    celestial sky........3.7.....25

    ebony gale...........1.15*...50

    all shook up.........3.75..166...100...00... 64 ..4.....2.88..50..... 67 ...1.55 ..2nd ..5/2J
    business.............2.87..143...70....75... 84 ..2.8...2.84..50..... 84 ...0.60 ..4th ..6/4
    war hero.............3.25..143...64....76... 83 ..2.74x.3.55x.25..... 82 ...4.00 ..4th ..9/4F
    dalvey...............3.....168...83....44... 82 ..3.1*..2.78*.25..... 83 ...3.98 ..4th ..7/4
    rightplacerightime...3.....168...00....119.. 107 .3.95x.2.7x..25..... 108 ..3.53 ..1st ..6/5F
    stealthy tom.........3.25..167...98....112.. 103 .2.72..3.3...50..... 103 ..1.77 ..6th ..9/4F
    cousin oscar.........2.62..166...117...120.. 108 .4*....4*....50..... 104 ..1.85 ..4th ..2/1
    brother pat..........2.75..161...110...122.. 106 .3.85*.4.2*..25..... 102 ..5.04 ..1st ..9/4F
    idas boy.............3.75..160...00....131.. 106 .2.9...2.34..25..... 111 ..5.65 ..1st ..8/11F
    collective power.....3.5...133...62....78... 80 ..2.98..3.05..25..... 81 ...5.39 ..1st ..2/1F
    esme shelby..........2.37..162...95....106.. 103 .3.45..3.4...25..... 99 ...4.71 ..2nd ..9/4F
    zaajirah.............3.25..138...86....92... 87 ..3.15..2.94..50..... 88 ...3.73 ..3rd ..11/4F
    complete unknown.....3.....152...00....00... 62 ..3.45..4.3...50..... 58 ...2.51 ..3rd ..2/1F
    our jet..............3.75..152...00....00... 60 ..6.6...4.6...25..... 58 ...4.83 ..2nd ..7/2
    eric bloodaxe........1.8...168...00....00... 75 ..2.52..2.32..25..... 70 ...2.15 ..1st ..5/4F
    knappers hill........1.4...158...00....131.. 120 .1.26..1.25..50..... 123 ..0.30 ..1st ..1/10F
    fame and fun.........3.....154...00....00... 62 ..3.5...3.25..50..... 62 ...3.48 ..6th ..5/2J
    gringo daubrelle.....2.62..170...00....99... 102 .2.08..1.83..50..... 108 ..1.1 ...1st ..4/6F
    beauport.............4.....168...131...135.. 109 .4.3*..4.2*..25..... 109 ..2.10 ..2nd ..2/1F
    chantry house........1.36..162...162...173.. 136 .1.38*.1.43*.50..... 135 ..1.1 ...1st ..2/7F
    the big breakaway....3.25..156...148...164.. 117 .3.5...3.3...25..... 117 ..3.91 ..2nd ..5/2
    captain biggles......3.....166...118...123.. 107 .2.9...2.64..25..... 109 ..4.78 ..2nd ..6/4F
    lilly pedlar.........2.75..166...123...00... 67 ..4.4*..4.2*..25..... 63 ...3.83 ..PU ..13/8F
    tricolore............4.....130...83....99... 85 ..3.3...3.2...25..... 87 ...2.60 ..7th ..2/1F
    nevilles cross.......2.1...166...133...141.. 118 .2.42..2.46..25..... 116 ..3.23 ..1st ..6/4
    theatre glory........1.90..152...00....00... 68 ..2.24..2.24..50..... 66 ...1.20 ..1st ..13/8
    takeit easy..........3.75..165...134...146.. 113 .3.5*..2.82*.25..... 115 ..2.85 ..2nd ..13/8F
    no comment...........2.62..155...123...143.. 112 .3.35..3.....25..... 110 ..3.83 ..1st ..2/1
    siroco jo............2.....150...116...139.. 113 .1.7...1.81..50..... 115 ..1.1 ...4th ..8/13F
    tulin................3.75..164...125...130.. 107 .3.65..4.1...50..... 106 ..0.77 ..2nd ..11/4
    total bets 30
    Total wins 11
    Total returns 26.5
    profit/loss -3.5

    not a lot of time today as off laptop.
  • brian1147
    Short of time again today, early starts are a pain
    chel 3,30 gelino bello.........2.5
    chel 3.30 off your rocco.......3.8*
    kemp 5,30 al nafir.............1.78
    kemp 7.00 bandinelli...........2.9
    newc 3.40 silver bubble........2.66x
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