• Bodger
    Fair result, I thought. Ok, Fury won most rounds, but being clobbered onto the canvas twice, the second time looking totally out of it until the most amazing recovery since Lazarus, makes it at best a draw for him IMO. Would have been a travesty if Wilder didn't get at least a draw after that final round knockdown.
  • Mugz
    Most pundits saying Fury won the fight, but if you score the 2 knockdown rounds as 10-8 then Fury would have to have won 8 of the other 10 rounds to have won which I'm not sure was the case. Draw probably a fair result.
  • dodd

    No chance. A travesty? He won four rounds of the 12 and 2 of them only because of the knockdowns. Fury outboxed him for large parts and I had him 6 up factoring the knockdowns. Fury was lucky it want waved off in the 12th because he was uncontious for the first 4 seconds of the count. The fact the British judge scored it a draw is even more baffling. Fury won and everybody knows it. Bentest sport around.
  • Mugz
    If you give Wilder 3 of 10 non-knockdown rounds then its a draw. To say Fury won emphatically you would have to give him 9 of those 10 rounds.
  • Mugz
    According to Mike Costello Showtime TV in USA had Fury 1 rd up after 8 and Wilder had 2 x 10-8 rds in the last 4.
  • Sunderland Sam
    I wonder what Joshua is thinking now? Is he still gonna be the champ people think he is gonna be?
  • Hippo
    My view (and i am a massive boxing fan and boxed as an amateur...now theres an area where the judges /referees are blind....at first i thought Fury had won because he was the better boxer, but judges these days are also posed these questions:

    1) who was the aggressor.....Wilder
    2) who threw most punches....Wilder (although most missed wildly!)
    3) who if any had a knockdown...Fury down twice
    4) As a challenger, have they done enough to take the title away from the champion (and this one is crucial...its NOT asking if Wilder won or lost, but did the challenger do enough....in the terms of aggression...No!)

    Mayweather is clear when he said as a counter boxer he knew he had to box them to death to make sure he won as he wasnt throwing bombs or looking for KOs. so being a counter is risky. I think this comment summed up what happened. Fury was the better boxer but he went down twice and never looked like hurting Wilder, so on reflection Wilder was probably the winner although a draw was fair

    And for the record i bet on Fury as Wilder is not that good, which leads me to think , neither are!ewis was the last true heavyweight champion. I much prefer watching the middleweight divisions these days
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