• Bertie
    Trigger Nichol.
  • Thebookieson
    As per usual I will bet you tips blind - still indebted to your tip in Ireland on New Year’s Day this year when I landed over £2k doubling it with my horse!!
    However, hats off if this one goes in on previous form as it has a lot to find buddy!
    Good luck
  • CMB
    Surely you've had word for this Bertie?
  • CMB
    Just gone 9/2 from 6s
  • CMB
    I didn't take the 6s :grimace: took 9/2

    EW looks a tough race
  • Sunderland Sam
    I got 10/1 when betting opened with bet 365. :razz:
  • CMB
    10/3 now!
  • Thebookieson
    3/1 now Bet365!
    Someone knows something!!
    Had a good bet at 9/2 last night but could have got on 10/1!!
    Just wasn’t convinced about horse’s credentials!!
    We shall soon see
  • CMB
    I'm still not convinced lol but ew play nonetheless
  • Sunderland Sam
    I’ve layed stake back so I’m in a free bet position now. Might as well have a free bet if your able to the beauty of the exchanges. I put it on as soon as betting opened because Bertie to be fair has had some good info on the board on the old site when I just used too look in at things before becoming a member.
  • herbie
    i e I used to look at these things before I was called Sam
  • Hippo
    Now now herbie, it cant be the same person! Ronaldo was brilliant, whereas this bloke....
  • jimfl
    Good effort berti
  • CMB
    I'll take that. Placed @ 6s
  • herbie
    Good shout. Was certainly trying
  • Sunderland Sam
    Nice place. Same ownership has west of the edge in the 1.05 race has a chance worth an each way.

    Hippo look at Fridays tips you ‘fat oaf’winners at 6/1 and 5/2. I have had all this with another member peregrine when I asked him to take me on he bottled it. Thinks he is good he bets in bumper races that’s how good he is. I don’t think he has given a bumper winner out yet.
  • Hippo
    Errrr “fat oaf” here (the best you can do?) and what about the countless losers as you appear to be reponsible for 75% of the posts on this site.....mot bad for a “shy 1st timer” and lets not forget your multi thousand pound loser that you boasted about.

    You seem as “shy” as TRV and ROONALDO.....hmmmm now theres a thing!

    As for purile “im taking my ball home if i cant get in the ream” so called challenge to Peregrine.....grow up. The board can do without your fantasied twisted posts that lose time and time again and when you finally pick a 2/1 shot that actually wins you have to congratulate yourself with “oh super sammy, super sammy etc etc erc”. You are delusional, sad, attention seeking, multi personality all round idiot who really should seek some help. Its called attention deficit usually born out of no friends and uncaring parents. Im sure your “friends” in Harley Street would be willing to help, if only they existed!!

    I calculate you are over 135,000 points DOWN in the real world thats the equivalent of winning a millionaire in oh sammy sammy’s world.

    Now surely thats better than “fat oaf”?
  • Hippo
    I owe an apology, the bet in wuestion from “oh super sammy” was wholestone with a whooping £147K at 2/1 and it was inplaced. Peregrines crime was to point out before racing that wholestone has an awful record at newbury. His reward for a sheewd observation? A tirade of abuse from SS similar to “fat oafgate”! Similarities? Id say so!

    While this board is for fun trolls should not be sllowed to indult others and hide through internet anonymity. If he spoke to people face. To face like yhat he would be on his pants, so why get away with it on here.
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