• Dano
    Guys, As you can tell I’m not a fan of Ryan Moore at all because he is everything bad about horse racing and Frankie is everything good about the sport in my humble opinion...

    He’s surly doesn’t respect the punter and is not a good advert at all to give the paying public some encouragement and the way he reacted at Ascot when trying to be interviewed was like a spoilt child and he in my opinion turns people away from racing rather than embracing it...

    So surely now he must be on the verge of getting the old tin tac from O’Briens... He is riding awful this year with many of his second string horses showing him up...

    And his actual race riding and his grit to win me seems to have vanished

    So what’s going on ... Any other thoughts opinions guys
  • Mugz
    Since his last winner he has had 11 x 2nds, but only 2 of those were favs. Not sure if you put that down to bad riding or bad luck
  • Mugz
    Still ranked #1 by TRC but his win SR is down a bit this year compared to last year (GB & IRE combined)
  • Jack Trotter
    Big race jockey Ryan Moore.

    Rides to many good horses for O'Brien.

    When he gets on a normal horse can struggle a bit.

    I have noticed that since Oisin Murphy got stood down before Royal Ascot for failing a sample test his form has dipped badly.

    Not sure what to think but he is getting beat on horses he used to win on.

    Fine margins but Tudhope, Marquand seem to be the jockeys in form at present.
  • Mugz
    Looked at OM's rides at Epsom this morning and it really looked like he would get 3 at least. Ended with 0. Hes gone cold.
  • Jack Trotter
    Very cold Mugz.

    He got turned over on a 1/4 fav. Ouch! They hurt.

    Confidence is gone I think.
  • Dano
    I agree guys maybe I’m just been harsh on Moore... And to be fair I don’t know him never met him but he is not doing the sport any favours with his dreadful personality when interviewed or asked about anything he clams up and gives new followers of horse racing not one bit of enthusiasm...

    He is riding awful at the minute and yes he may bounce back but for petes sake surely to be friendly and approachable to the public and media is not hard to smile and get enthusiastic...

    Really bad for the sport when this guy is on TV especially when he’s riding so bad...
  • Jack Trotter
    Yes poor personality skills, bit old school.

    Never used to get interviews with jockeys of the like we get these days.

    Crikey Lester Piggot was Mr No Personality but a very talented jockey in the saddle.

    When he did speak you could not understand he had speech problems.

    Willie Carson changed things always laughing and smiling and happy to talk and do interviews.
  • Hippo
    Youre not being unfair dano, look at his rides on barbados and stoutes yesterday! A hack apprentice would be stepped down for them. Mugz stats can lie especially when youre always on the best horse! His win ratio should be much higher. He gave japan a god awful ride in the dante, need i go on? Hes a bully on a horse and mever subtle. Aidan buts seamus up on horses that need sympathy never moore.
  • Valuefinder
    There’s an article about his form in the Talking Horses column in the Guardian but it is fairly generous in my opinion.

    He benefits from the best string of horses in the world, a choice of them in many of the big races (not always an easy choice to be fair) but whilst I still think he’s decent, I think there are so many more talented jocks around.
  • Hippo
    have a read of Kieron Fallons book, its clear you dont always get the choice...the Lads and Aidan largely make them. Once thats understood maybe people may look past the Moore mount and find the winner and stop complaining about the "third string" winning. fallon makes it clear there is NO third string, Aidan runs them on their abilities ie even the so called "pace makers" are capable of winning group races. i know they think Seamie Herfferman is the most important part of the riding team. Hes a real horseman with soft hands who knows everything about the horse. When i won on South Seas at ascot i pointed out Seamie had ridden it every time and Moore hadnt ever sat on the horse in a race yet Moores mount went off 11/4 for the Ascot race and South seas i grabbed at 25/1 and duly won!
  • peregrine
    when s hefferman rides o briens 2 year olds you should take notice.but i agree he is a very talented rider and a big part in the team at ballydoyle. as for ryan moore hes a millionaire and whether you like it or not they mainly ride to orders. yes they all have poor runs and when they dont win on one that we backed its only natural to get annoyed. who would you rather have in a top race ? hes never been one to do interviews wheras the likes of frankie he loves it. also when ballydoyle run 5 in a race with only 8 runners he cant always be on the right one. think some are talking through their pocket rather than looking at the bigger picture. the game is bent full circle and on the a/weather its a fiddlers paradise. but if you dont like him dont back him its your cash .have a nice day.
  • Dano
    Peregrine, I wasn’t talking through my pocket or looking at any big picture.

    All I was saying was he is pretty bad for the sport as he is rude and ignorant in front of the camera which to be fair that’s his personality and we can’t all be like Frankie but it takes a few seconds to be courteous and a smile doesn’t even cost him a penny...
  • Jack Trotter
    Ryan Moore bags 1st winner at HQ at 9/1.

    Ironic really.
  • peregrine
    Yes Dano but all folk are not the same as you say it costs nothing to smile or be polite. Mark Johnston I can tell you he dosent give a crap about punters and he's a trainer. Society has changed and not for the better :roll:
  • Dano
    That’s true Peregrine nowt as queer as folk...

    Did make me laugh though him winning the first and even had a little smile on camera

    I did Good Birthday so he was probably getting back at me lol...
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