• calvert
    Good Read Stevie a lot of Commonsense
  • Maxh
    Sorry guys but these are the people who will have you drinking bleach
    Hard right lunatic fringe
    Follow your public health guidelines and stay safe
  • Spindrifter
    Stevie well done, its all a PLANDEMIC and its little stupid sheep like Maxh who are helping to perpetuate it all by not questioning anything and believeing the constant barrage of brainwashing the government / tv adverts and news push 24/7. WAKE UP EVERYONE!!!!
  • Stevie Wonder
    Max - what you are failing to understand is that all these devastating measures have trashed the economy and at the expense of failing to treat many hundreds of thousands of people with fixable ailments. Fact is, if you get a bad dose of covid, with drug and oxygen treatment, you now have a much greater chance of surviving than say six months ago. It's surely marvelous news that so many students are testing pisitive of having virus antibodies present. Are many being rushed to hospital?. Stay healthy, do plenty of exercise and let nature take it's course. Also allow spectators at all outside spirting events!
    Below is a copy of a letter I sent earlier to my local mp

    Dear Huw,
    I hope you're keeping well - I know you've been busy with all this airline business.

    I've just read an article put out by some Belgium doctors which raises some interesting points concerning Covid. If you think there is something in this article (link below) could you have a quiet word with old Boris. It could save the country from irrepairable economic damage and could save the Conservative Party. Under the present strategy, both are going down the pan!


    Best wishes
    Maxh is spot on I know from personal experience and having family members that have contracted
    the virus last March and one almost dying who had no underlying health conditions.
    His words from that relation and from his experience were that it was the worst time in his life and is thankful to have managed to get through it and advised all family members to do whatever they can to avoid becoming infected so cannot in any way agree with Stevie Wonder or Maxh.
    I would urge all to take this advice and follow all the government guidelines as to do otherwise is complete lunacy and furthermore a great insult to our NHS workers whom everyone was out clapping
    some months ago. These are our heroes many of whom have lost their own lives, so why put them under further unwanted and unwarranted stress this coming winter. Everyone must play their part and I hope that those who are putting forward these lunatic views will realise that until there is a vaccine found COVID will be here for quite some time and unfortunately will take more lives. If we were to follow the advice of Stevie Wonder and Maxh then God only help us.
    Apologies but I included Maxh in last sentence but it is Stevie Wonder that I was referring to not Maxh
  • Stevie Wonder
    Sorry to hear about your family ills earlier this year Bonzo.However, with the advancements in treatment of late, the chances of recovery for most people are undoubtably higher - fact. It's also possible, as mentioned in article, that the virus has mutated somewhat - perhaps it may even be more virulent, but slightly less harmfull (a dead host isn't much use to a virus). Sweden seems to have coped better than most countries despite at beginning, looking like they'd got it well wrong. It now seems they've got it right with no doubt, a certain amount of herd immunity.
  • peregrine
    Issues now some aren't believing it. And reckon the gov just want to control us . What's naffing me off is the migrants coming on the boats they are bringing covid in ! And you have the idiots saying they are welcome and they aren't putting a strain on the NHS . Unbelievable and notice how many are men. This isn't right as they aren't fleeing war zones now and how many borders in Europe have they crossed. ?
    Sorry Peregrine I don't want to get into a political squabble and everyone has their own views on COVID . immigrants, Brexit and the rest. I am only relating my own experience and advising everyone to be vigilant, follow the NHS guidleiines ,stay safe and COVID free. Covid recognises no borders and did not spread by immigrants but by and large by our own friends and families that have been on holiday
    and on foreign trips, and unwittingly promoted the spread of the virus. We are living in a pandemic situation that very few have ever experienced since 1918 and even then it was the second wave that caused the majority of fatalities. With the attempts to get back to normal with school universities reopening and attempts to get everyone back to work this is a very crucial period so please keep focused and stay safe.
  • peregrine
    I'd be interested to know if Kent where the boat people have illegally entered our shores and the do gooders have welcomed in. Have they brought in the new strain. And before any smart arse comes on you and me won't know . And as far as I can see the government won't either. They are crazy. When the north / south bias which is blatantly obvious for all too see. They kept the north in tier 3 but kept the south in tier 2 a suicidal act in my mind. And now look what's happening. Yes I was glad they kept us up north in tier 3 as it was a bit of common sense. And I hope we up here keep up the good work and the numbers stay balanced. If you have anything constructive to post feel free. But lots of frustration and anger is coming to the fore.
  • Kneeejerker
    Don't be surprised if the whole country goes to level 4 or 4+ If the reports are true about people leaving,
    they going to find themselves stranded for a while
  • peregrine
    Yes kj just read thousands from down south heading just where ? If they have the new variant the selfish people are going to spread it :rage: they are a society of I'm alright jack. When we up here have been locked down they stayed down there having hardly any restrictions . But now they want to travel out WHICH they aren't supposed TO. Absolute idiots . I and thousands more can't travel from our area unless going to work which is right. But these mindless morons don't give a toss.:rage:
  • Jack Trotter
    In my opinion the reason we are still stuck in this dreadful situation is because some people are choosing to ignore the advice given.

    The only way to bring an end to this awful pandemic is to follow the advice given by the "Professionals" and eventually a successful vaccine which will contain the contraction and spread of the virus.

    It is not rocket science and granted the rules to follow can be diffcult to understand but bringing this back to "racing" it is "comply or die" the infamous Grand National winner and I know what I will be doing in the hope that someone does not ruin my efforts by giving me or my loved ones the virus.

    What I certainly will not be doing is spreading the virus due to not following the rules.

    Stay safe everyone and enjoy what a different Christmas we will be having this year.

  • donb
    I don't suppose it occurred to you that a lot of people work in London but do not live there, many are just following advice to go home. You see commuter crowds like that every day but suddenly it is people going on holidays. Do not believe everything you read in the media.
  • peregrine
    If I'm wrong don I'll hold me hands up. But watch the news on BBC and I don't think the majority of folk are going home from work. Yes some work in London but because Boris and his mates didn't put London in tier 3 when the rate was worse down there than up north we now have a situation which is affecting the country. The new variant seems to be spreading at a faster rate. Viruses mutate similar to the flu which changes every year. Hope you and your family have a nice Christmas day . That's all we can all do .stay safe
  • donb
    I don't believe a word on the BBC, it was named the Blair Broadcast Corporation. My point was as the new restrictions were announced most would have taken the descision to travel back early rather than risk being stuck in London, I was working when the first lockdown was announced and it was chaos trying to get a train out of London on the Thursday evening. Anyway that aside do have a very merry Christmas and I wish you and your family a happy, healthy and profitable new year.
  • Kneeejerker
    More good news, no doubt retirement age will be abolished.
    New tax for all those aged over 40 to fund social care. Some 4kers going to get rich if true
  • peregrine
    Amazing 4 hours before lockdown was announced on the London Ponce's r sunak did one ! Now obviously the terd got the word. Now up here our rate is staying pretty low . I work in Manchester and for the last few weeks not one person who I've come across knows anybody ? And guess what Boris and his bumchums have put us in tier 4 unbelievable . The north south divide has never been more apparent . Don't worry we up here won't forget how we have been treated . Hope you all have a nice new year lads n lasses I'll be back when the bookies re open again good luck all.:up:
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