• peregrine
    Me and you all like to have our opinion on horses. But behind it the horses aren't machines and as much or as good as they are. They won't be the same every time they run. Think about the jumpers which run over the longer distances . A prime example was best mate ! 3 gold cup wins which is some achievement but it brought with heart problems. It eventually takes it toll . I can name more which have had irregularitys with the heart. I know these days trainers have the best people looking after the horses. But the horses can't go on forever. And if any horse shows any signs or isn't fit the horses wellbeing has to come first. I don't know what any of you think but if you have a comment feel free to post.
  • jambo
    The horse first and foremost always Mate.
  • stainless
    Like everything about the world today it is all about money in the main. Not quite sure what your comment is trying to express, are you suggesting horses should be retired at a certain age or is it just general chatter. Can't see the point of running a horse if it is not fit and well. Surely all animals including humans suffer problems in the name of sport. Would imagine more horses are lost through injury.
  • Stevie Wonder
    Been to quite a few yards over the years. My experience is that I'd gladly come back as a race horse based on what I've seen and how they loved are treated. Sure there's bound to be some dodgy ones but I've yet to see it. Recall ex footballer M Quinn was banned for leaving his horses whilst he went on his hols. Certain that was an exception rather than the rule. Believe he was let down by someone but buck stops with him.
  • Stevie Wonder
    Might have got the facts wrong concerning Quinn - Sorry - but was banned for 3 years by JC for neglect. Don't want to libel anyone for wrong facts. Sorry
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