
  • Mugz
    Winx cruises to victory. Trouble free passage, picked off Benbatl late on to win by 3l, a further 4l back to 3rd.
  • Mugz
    I have no doubts that this is one of the greatest horses ever and its just a shame that we couldnt see the best 10f horses in the world take each other on at some point. The Aussies dont seem interested in travelling with Winx, but they have top class one that will travel in the next couple of years.
  • peregrine
    Yes jockey told Matt Chapman I'll let winx only do what's needed to beat benbatl. And thats just what it did. It takes some doing to win so many races but Chapman thinks its only beating average horses. Has a he got it right. Remember him going on about faugheen the machine. I know jumping a different ball game. But one the horses have to stay sound and fit. Wind will be rememberd even though it won't Grace our shores. Pity really.
    Why should it come to us ?
    Why do we expect it to come to us ?
    We should go there and take it on if that's what owners and trainers want.
    If I was owning Winx I would , if i wanted to travel go to Sha Tin or the States not here.
    Crappy prize money outdated philosophise and a bunch of hooray henrys at the top.
    Our racing its at least 4th best and probably worse.
  • The racing voice
    I agree Joe. You make some valid points.
  • finley
    Yep, have to agree Joe,. Why do we assume if WINX is that good it should be expected to travel overseas.....our top horses should be going over there if they believe that their good enough,at the end of the day FRANKEL never went overseas,only racing in Britain.
  • Hippo
    Yes Fin, and the reason why Frankel never went overseas? He was happy beating the same few horses time and time again here. and the reason he never ran 1.5 miles (ie the "classic" distance)...he would have got beat! Best horse ever? my big fat ass! Winx is brilliant but beats horses like hartnell who were hcappers here and Gask gets carried away about ratings...Benbatl is rated on substandard Meydan wins and a "dodgy" Ascot success, otherwise it gets beaten in GP 1 company.

    Quite right that Winx doesnt have to travel but I'd want to test against the best not ex British Hcappers and Gp 1 no hopers like Hartnell and Benbatl. But trainer owner etc are quite right, its their choice and IS a true hero with nothing to prove. One of the worlds greats...sadly not as only restricted to Oz, but still a hero in my eyes.

    see, i did that without mentioning Dancing brave!....ooops
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