
  • Grand National
    Hello lads, all good here. Galvin ran well without every looking like the winner, but it was a 1 horse race in the end. Well done if you found the winner.
  • Thats It Then
    Now theres some members who can recall some of the gold old days. Thanks alanb and Lightswitch. Hope you are keeping well. :up:
  • Thats It Then
    Thanks chaps :up:
  • Thats It Then
    Thanks for the mesages, first holiday starts tomorrow in wettest North Wales, lovely :pray:
  • Thats It Then
    Stand tall and be proud young manKneeejerker

    Not so bad once you're up ! :sparkle:
  • Thats It Then
    You even put the odd decent tip up :grin:Stevie Wonder

    When you've been posting tips for 23 years I think the law of averages kicks in ! :up:
  • Thats It Then
    Thats it then, the end of an era for me at least. 23 years eh, bloody'ell whats become of the people we used to be. At least the forum will continue thanks to Brian who will now own it, so I hope eveyone continues to support the forum and hopefully restore a bit of the former glory. If it hadnt been for the dedicated hardcore TTC'ers, who turn up and play every day then the forum would have closed years ago. So a shout out to all the daily players and those that turn up in every pay-2-play TTC, I salute you.

    So taking a trip down memory lane for those that dont know, and for those with good memories probably better than mine, BOTB emerged from the ashes of the old 365 forum a lively place to say the least, a bit too lively for some and a tamer place was required. I setup BOTB and a few followed me over.

    Cant remember too many names from back then but janej was one, then we had derbypub, berniethebookie, Mabbs, Arthur Collins, EC, Mick Taylor, Keyboy, airmike, Rocky, trainbairn, to name but a few. I really was quite a time to be a punter, with online betting and exchanges taking off and plenty of good information being exchanged in the forums. It was very different landscape than it is today where social media and the follower obsessed crowd has taken over from the early betting forums which were never called social media back then. I think there was a lot of community spirit in those forums, and now I just see fame hungry attention seeking individuals on twitter etc looking for likes and views to promote themselves. I think back in the day I think we all just wanted to tip a winner and hopefully get some thank yous from those that had followed you in. And what a great feeling that was.

    There has been plenty of craic over the years, the pay-2-play comps where a great success and The Rider Cup was an annual highlight on Breeders Cup night where BOTB took on the might of the e-ponies USA forum and came out of top more often than not. I recall. We had comps for World Cup Soccer and even F1 one year along with The Coolerking Cup to remember a forum member that was no longer with us. Im sure we have lost many along the way and we will never know for sure, but The Unknown/TU123 and Rodeo made it clear that they were not in the best of health and then when you realise they havent posted for a few days or weeks that they must have passed away. Its quite a hard one to take and we did make a donation to the place where Rodeo was being treated. The latter did hit me quite hard because he was such a likeable forum member and you hope that he did get a lot of pleasure from following the horses and posting on the forum every day.

    There are so many people that have contributed positively to this forum over the years and I cant name them all, but Doubler has been immense in helping out with the scoring on the TTC's over the past few years and I'm sure will continue to do so. And thanks to malcolm and MrForce for stepping forward as scorers to secure the future of the daily TTC's.

    I will be in the background checking in from time to time and might even post up some sports bets when the new season starts, but for now its time to switch off and its going to be a luxury to be able to take holidays and not have to worry about whats going to happen to the forum and the TTC scoring.

    Thank you all :clap:
  • IMPORTANT - note this domain name
    There may be some downtime on Sunday 6th Aug for anyone trying to access the forum via as the domain name will be moving its location. Shouldnt be more than a couple of hours and the alternative link above will always work.
  • UK TTC @ GOODWOOD (Tuesday 1st Aug)
    Is MrForce scoring this TTC ?
  • UK TTC @ ASCOT (Sat 29 Jul)

    horses4courses - 130 (16/1 win)
    Ribot - 210* (16/1 win)
    malcolm - 40
    Doubler - 70
    MrForce - 170 (13/2 win)
    calvert - 70
    Ascot - 70
    Stig - 90

    * NAP WON

    1st - Ribot (210) - 80 pts
    2nd - MrForce (170) - 40 pts
    3rd - horses4courses (130) - 20 pts

    Well done to Ribot :clap:
  • UK TTC @ YORK (Friday 28th)

    Ribot - 30
    malcolm - 50
    Doubler - 40
    MrForce - 60
    brian1147 - 110*
    calvert - 70
    Stig - 80*

    * NAP WON

    1st - brian1147 (110) - 40 pts
    2nd - Stig (80) - 20 pts
    3rd - calvert (70) - 10 pts

    Well done to brian1147 :clap:
  • UK TTC @ SANDOWN PARK (Wed 26 Jul)

    horses4courses - 40
    Ribot - 90 (15/2 win)
    malcolm - 80
    Doubler - 90
    MrForce - 50
    brian1147 - 140*
    calvert - 40
    Ascot - 20
    Stig - 140*

    * NAP WON

    1st - Stig (140) - 40 pts
    2nd - brian1147 (140) - 20 pts
    3rd - Ribot (90) - 10 pts

    Well done to Stig :clap:

    horses4courses - 180
    Ribot - 180
    malcolm - 160
    Doubler - 100
    MrForce - 40
    brian1147 - 200*
    calvert - 190 (5/1 win)
    Stig - 140

    * NAP WON

    1st - brian1147 (200) - 40 pts
    2nd - calvert (190) - 20 pts
    3rd - horses4courses (180) - 10 pts

    Well done to brian1147 :clap:
  • UK TTC @ NEWBURY (Sat 22 Jul)

    horses4courses - 120
    Ribot - 120
    malcolm - 240*
    Doubler - 110
    MrForce - 140*
    brian1147 - 200*
    calvert - 200*
    Stig - 170*

    * NAP WON

    1st - malcolm (240) - 80 pts
    2nd - calvert (200) - 40 pts
    3rd - brian1147 (200) - 20 pts

    Well done to malcolm :clap:

    horses4courses - 120*
    Ribot - 80
    malcolm - 120
    Doubler - 110
    MrForce - 20
    calvert - 130
    Stig - 130 (11/2 win)

    * NAP WON

    1st - Stig (130) - 40 pts
    2nd - calvert (130) - 20 pts
    3rd - horses4courses (120) - 10 pts

    Well done to Stig :clap:
  • UK TTC @ CATTERICK (Wed 19 Jul)

    horses4courses - 150
    Ribot - 120
    Big tasty - 120
    malcolm - 140
    Doubler - 210* (15/2 win)
    MrForce - 80
    brian1147 - 150*
    calvert - 140*

    * NAP WON

    1st - Doubler (210) - 40 pts
    2nd - brian1147 (150) - 20 pts
    3rd - horses4courses (150) - 10 pts

    Well done to Doubler :clap:
  • UK TTC @ BEVERLEY (Tuesday 18th)

    horses4courses - 170*
    Ribot - 150* (11/2 win)
    malcolm - 120*
    Doubler - 120*
    MrForce - 100
    brian1147 - 170*
    calvert - 230* (11/2 win)
    Stig - 90 (11/2 win)

    * NAP WON

    1st - calvert (230) - 40 pts
    2nd - horses4courses (170) - 20 pts
    3rd - brian1147 (170) - 10 pts

    Well done to calvert :clap: