
  • 5 bet sequence
    More of a forecast system this ain't it Bri? 1st and 2nd again. Well done!
  • Mover
    Cheers hope you are enjoying your hols! The board eagerly awaits for a top class judge such as yourself to come back! I can tell you know your stuff and look forward to reading your posts!
  • Quick act now, strong fancy
    Cheers Eeza :up:
  • Quick act now, strong fancy
    Ding! Dong! Valkyrian does the biz! :smile:
    Hope some of you 'acted' sharply!
    Told you class 5 is too low for this horse to be competing in!
  • Mover
    Ding ! Dong ! Garden oasis wins at 11-8 :smile: was smashed in all day long! Bet at 15-8 then rebet it for a bit more when it went to 2-1. Job done! 3 from 4 today! The board is on an upward curve! best of the bets is back baby! Peace out!
  • 4 40 Ayr
    Yep Bri agree totally.
  • 4 40 Ayr
    Thanks peregine :smile:
  • 4 40 Ayr
    Did I not say the 1m found it out?
    The winners flow!
    The board is now trending!
    Ding! Dong! Al muqdad wins advised 9-4 :fire:
  • Lump job
    1stFine Margin (1)10/11Jfav
    2ndBob Bob Ricard (2)10/11Jfav
    3rdDefinite Dream (7)50/1
    4thHawk Jet (GB) (8)

    Ding Dong! Fine Margin wins with a drift in price as well! Massive money won! :smile:
  • Notice
    Ok, thanks for update.
  • 5 bet sequence
    Good start all about finding an edge!
  • BOTB strife
    Thereabouts lol, 'what a statement'. You never even got 60 per cent in any exam you have taken lol. Noticed you always have to have the last word does that make you feel in control? A common trait of any troll!
  • BOTB strife
    Where is the 60 per cent strike rate you claim? Can't add another lie.You have well and truly been put in your place on numerous occasions. Can see what a sad man you are on hols supposedly yet posting on here constantly! Do you actually go and venture out or do you just have facebook friends who you have never met maybe your friends are your imaginary syndicate, lol.

    Are you the boss of the syndicate lol. Bet you can't wait to see your horse run how you getting their are you all getting in the back of a van. Is Rodney driving you plonker, lol
  • BOTB strife
    60 per cent you wanna look at your selections in comps lol. Another lie you really do put ya foot in it. Even claiming you are not a liar when post is there for all to see. Oh dear deluded! Just read your magazines and take some pics of Spain from it,lol. How are you in Spain anyway when according to you on a cruise for a few weeks (another lie) what happened did the dingy bust lol.Lies are increasing in number, keep it going, lol. FYI you started all this not me and even picked on kneejerker whilst you were at it, you are one nasty person of that I am sure! Jog on!
  • BOTB strife
    Leave it there you said, yet you post again! So therefore you are a proven liar are you not?
    Nothing to worry about regarding your forum then have you lol!
    Might be an error but at least I can add lol and FACT is If it wasn't for Fibresand it wouldn't of won many races ya clown! If your fantasist horse was in training today it would struggle thank goodness for Fibresand lol. Also, if you are taking photos then please upgrade phone instead of posting hazy pictures or better still try not to take pictures from magazine lol. Can see what you trying to do get us all banned and then you be satisfied as you would see it as job done. Really hope you get banned as you are a constant nusiance
  • BOTB strife
    Leave it there but you don't do you just keep rambling on. Hope you mean it this time. Tighten security and don't worry I will see your posts on other forum pmsl. I'm way to clever for you!
  • BOTB strife
    Still talking about me on your board are you? Now that is sad! Tighten the security lol. I forgot you decided who leaves and who stays on here.
  • BOTB strife
    I said that was my final say on matter but it needs stating that you just attacked me personally in your post! You had no respect for this board owner who stated on another thread that it was closed but you continued with your rant. Now simple thing to do is stay off my threads and let the board run smoothly or are you just intent on bickering and causing disruption! I am on other boards and have no problem on them.
  • Given such a tender ride
    Was made fav last time but pu. First time blinkers applied. Being dropped aggressively by hcapper 9lb's since Hereford run. Hcapper certainly given it a chance to gain a win. It will either show something today or bomb out. At 11-2 I am prepared to find out.
    Gallow ford 11-2 win/ bf place sp 3 places
    4.00 Market rasen
  • BOTB strife
    Happens every few days. One of them has to post on my thread and cause trouble and that is FACT take a look.Can't understand why they can't just leave me to get on with things. I don't go on Bazza's thread and cause trouble and Enzo can't resist the membership malarkey only thing he has got to hold onto. Tried to 'kick' things off again yesterday, but if you noticed I just got on with things, but not fair him or Bazza disrupting my threads. Said before if you don't like them just don't read them. Not calling for anyine to go but this Enzo is becoming a real problem and is disrupting the board no end. My final say on matter I just want to get on with things.


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