
  • Jackass
    Was a little unlucky in narrowing the 6.40 race down to two but picking the wrong one, but hey ho that's racing for you. A few in the notebook added today to keep an eye on.
  • Jackass
    Bri it was done in a light hearted manner hence the lol, but I take your point.

    Bazza62 I have sorted the issue people had (although strangely enough it was only people from other board that were complaining) if you notice only one post yesterday with bets and one post today with bets. Hope that helps going foward.
  • Jackass
    Another horse that never got a clear run lto 2nd to Francophone who was on reciept of 3lb's these two pulled away from field. Drops to 8f from last run which is the only distance this horse has won at. Solid form, big chance. Regal jubilee 5-2 3.00 Sandown.
  • Jackass
    I make the 6.40 Nottingham a two horse race. Jenever/never dark. The scales of horse racing study tip in the direction of the fav Jenever pure and simply as claimer takes weight off and I have this personally rated off 84 so runs off 2lbs lighter according to my hcap ratings ! Therefore Jenever 9-4 is the selection.
  • Remember what I posted on the footy
    Have nice time fella enjoy !
  • Remember what I posted on the footy
    Without a shadow of doubt though horses are the best thing to bet on imo as football prices are too short unless you do 'impossible' accas, bet buliders or correct scores etc. Easier and more chance of betting say a 10-1 winner, than predicting football which gets played out for 90 mins. I understand what you are saying though just not enough tournaments. Get posting your fancies again fella be it right or wrong don't let what others think of you put you off. This board is run by Brian and he is a 'decent' chap as is Mal who I think is admin but I maybe wrong.Not like old boss who quite frankly 'caved in' to the moaners from what I was reading when used to look in on board. Bri stands strong and along with admin makes his own decisions he is not swayed by anyone I was really 'impressed' as to how they handled my latest troubles on here. For any member reading this I ain't said this to try and get in anyone's good books. I am just saying what I honestly think. So if you fancy anything post peregrine.
  • 3.25 Newton abbott
    I will take that drift !
    DING DONG ! Dancingontheedge wins 11/4 :up:
  • 3.25 Newton abbott
    will add another one here DANCINGONTHEEDGE 15-8 5.10 Newton abbott if you look at form you will notice not really doing anything in NOVICE hcaps but if you look at NORMAL handicap on last run it finished 2nd off 89 only 87 today so a drop of 2lb's and that was over 3m goes over 2m 5f here think I would have prefered that sort of distance here but can't have everything and at least form tells us it is well handicapped. I took 2s but now being supported into 7/4. Cobden on board is this what he has come for? we shall see
  • Not racing but
    yep did that Bri trouble is network don't show up. going to have to take it to a repair centre and get it reset looks like. I have never ever had this problem before it's just 'bizarre', every other device is ok and now changed over. thanks for suggestion though.
  • 3.25 Newton abbott
    DING DONG ! Magistrato wins was supported in betting. Yes, Bri logic proved to be correct if it was only always that clear when studying form :smile:
  • My Efforts
    This is a good way of betting as if first one wins you know its game on, if loses then you have another shot at the bookie. Done this quite a lot myself two singles and a double. Quite a lot of times I have had the 2nd one go in and made a bit of profit. Ultimately of course you want the double I personally prefer these bets to the lucky 15s others may not.
  • Certainly been given a chance by handicapper tonight
    Kerching ! Place bet landed @ bfsp :cool:
  • My Efforts
    well done with siempre arturo winner Mal :fire:
  • Double trouble at Perth
    Thanks Mal, not an easy race but at those prices had to have a dabble.
  • The faces will be on
    Bri with all due respect all I am trying to do is post my fancies but I am being 'hounded' by this Enzo 33 aka Dazzler (previously banned member) him and baz62 won't leave me alone and to put it bluntly acting like 'playground bullies'. These two are from another board and for some reason are trying to destroy the board. They don't have to like or even read my posts simples really. If you want to ban me then that's fine by me if you think that helps but as stated all I am doing is posting some picks. I totally agree people don't want to see this type of thing on a forum.
  • The faces will be on
    Well done you have showed the board what a sad little troll you are. I asked you to give it a rest for sake of the board but once again you could not help yourself posting to try and disrupt the board yet again ! I have proven in no uncertain terms that you are a troll. Enough said and as said I am not engaging with you anymore. Just posted this to show 'everyone' who the troll is plain and simple to see who it is now ! Long live dingy's pmsl.
  • The faces will be on
    It's called 'trading' laying it back in the run. Pre setting a price to get matched if horse trades low in run. Do you know nothing about betfair? With this particular bet yes I ended up making money but not on bernard spierpoint as it never went close so never matched.
  • The faces will be on
    Learn about betfair and trading. Might be an education for you. :up:
  • The faces will be on
    2nd beaten a whisker so you are being rather harsh. I understand why as you are in the teleslammers group so makes sense. Money was made in the trade and that is a FACT ! but yes it did not win. These faces are a reliable source of 'top quality info' so I will be still using them nothing will change. I will continue to make profit !
  • The faces will be on
    Faces are on at 9-4 you can have the bet now.
    Lil guff 6.30 Bath 7-4 is the current price.


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