Remember what I posted on the footy Without a shadow of doubt though horses are the best thing to bet on imo as football prices are too short unless you do 'impossible' accas, bet buliders or correct scores etc. Easier and more chance of betting say a 10-1 winner, than predicting football which gets played out for 90 mins. I understand what you are saying though just not enough tournaments. Get posting your fancies again fella be it right or wrong don't let what others think of you put you off. This board is run by Brian and he is a 'decent' chap as is Mal who I think is admin but I maybe wrong.Not like old boss who quite frankly 'caved in' to the moaners from what I was reading when used to look in on board. Bri stands strong and along with admin makes his own decisions he is not swayed by anyone I was really 'impressed' as to how they handled my latest troubles on here. For any member reading this I ain't said this to try and get in anyone's good books. I am just saying what I honestly think. So if you fancy anything post peregrine.